Chiari syndrome

Chiari syndrome

Chiari syndrome or Chiari's disease may refer to one of the following diseases named after the 19th century Austrian pathologist Hans Chiari:

  • Arnold-Chiari malformation, or simply "Chiari malformation", a malformation of the brain
  • Budd-Chiari syndrome, a disease with typical symptoms of abdominal pain, ascites and hepatomegaly caused by occlusion of the hepatic veins
  • Chiari-Frommel syndrome, an older term for hyperprolactinaemia with extended postpartum galactorrhea and amenorrhea

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  • Budd–Chiari syndrome — Budd Chiari syndrome Classification and external resources Posterior abdominal wall, after removal of the peritoneum, showing kidneys, suprarenal capsules, and great vessels. (Hepatic veins labeled at center top.) ICD 10 I …   Wikipedia

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  • Frommel-Chiari syndrome — From·mel Chi·a·ri syndrome (fromґəl ke ahґre) [R.J.E. Frommel; Johann Baptist Chiari, German obstetrician 1817–1854] Chiari Frommel syndrome; see under syndrome …   Medical dictionary

  • Budd-Chiari syndrome (disease) — Budd Chi·a·ri syndrome (disease) (budґ ke ahґre) [George Budd, English physician, 1808–1882; Hans Chiari, Austrian pathologist, 1851–1916] see under syndrome …   Medical dictionary

  • Budd-Chiari syndrome — a rare condition that follows obstruction of the hepatic vein by a blood clot or tumour. It is characterized by ascites and cirrhosis of the liver. G. Budd (1808 82), British physician; H. Chiari (1851 1916), German pathologist * * * symptomatic… …   Medical dictionary

  • Budd-Chiari syndrome — a rare condition that follows obstruction of the hepatic vein by a blood clot or tumour. It is characterized by ascites and cirrhosis of the liver. [G. Budd (1808–82), British physician; H. Chiari (1851–1916), German pathologist] …   The new mediacal dictionary

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