- Philippe du Contant de la Molette
Philippe du Contant de la Molette (1737-1793) was a theologian and biblical scholar, born at Côte-Saint-André, in
Dauphiné ,France ,August 29 1737 .He studied at the Sorbonne, and, in 1765, defended a thesis on Job, in six languages. Louis XV was so well pleased that he allowed him to pass the examinations for the licentiate without the required delays, a privilege, however, which de la Molette did not use. Later on, he became Vicar-General of the
diocese of Vienne , France.As a biblical author, he shows great erudition and is well versed in the Oriental languages, but he lacked originality, and his criticism is often misleading. His works, all published in
Paris , are the following. "Essai sur l'Ecriture Sainte, ou Tableau historique des avantages que l'on peut tirer des langues orientales pour la parfaite intelligence des Livres Saints" (1775); "Nouvelle méthode pour entrer dans le vrai sens de l'Ecriture sainte" (1777); "La Genèse expliquée d'après les textes primitifs", etc. (1777), 3 vols., a work intended especially as a refutation ofVoltaire ; "L'Exode expliqué", 3 vols. (1780); the thesis that he had defended in 1765 is printed in the beginning of this work; "Les Psaumes expliqués", etc., 3 vols. (1781); "Traité sur la poésie et la musique des Hébreux" (1781), a continuation of the preceding; "Le Lévitique expliqué", 2 vols. (1785). He had also done considerable work as a preparation for a "Nouvelle Bible polyglotte", but it is doubtful whether he ever published it.He died on the scaffold during the
Reign of Terror in 1793.
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