Sand Serpent

Sand Serpent
Sand Serpent
Sand Serpent wild mouse overview.jpg
Sand Serpent when it was Cheetah Chase.
Previously known as Cheetah Chase until 2011
Location Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Coordinates 28°02′19″N 82°25′21″W / 28.038523°N 82.422389°W / 28.038523; -82.422389Coordinates: 28°02′19″N 82°25′21″W / 28.038523°N 82.422389°W / 28.038523; -82.422389
Status Operating
Opened February 28, 2004
Type Steel - Wild Mouse
Manufacturer Mack Rides
Model Wild Mouse (compact)
Lift/launch system Chain lift hill
Height 45 ft (14 m)
Length 1,213 ft (370 m)
Max speed 28 mph (45 km/h)
Inversions 0
Duration 1:50
Capacity 1120 riders per hour
Sand Serpent at RCDB
Pictures of Sand Serpent at RCDB
Amusement Parks Portal

Sand Serpent (formerly Cheetah Chase) is a Wild Mouse roller coaster located at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay in Tampa, Florida. The ride originally operated at sister park Busch Gardens Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Virginia as Wild Izzy in 1996 and as Wilde Maus from 1997 to 2003.

The ride, when it was first installed at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, was meant to be a temporary attraction. It was named Izzy, after the mascot of the 1996 Summer Olympics, since Busch was a sponsor of the games. The ride was only supposed to be there for the 1996 season. But, the ride had a consistent line and became popular. Busch decided to keep the ride and gave it a European theme in 1997 with the new name Wilde Maus. The ride operated until 2003, when it was replaced with The Curse of DarKastle and moved to Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.

Sand Serpent replaced the defunct Crazy Camel flat ride, a Chance Trabant flat ride that opened up with the Timbuktu section of the park back in 1980. In 2011, the ride was rethemed from Cheetah Chase to become Sand Serpent. This was done to reduce confusion with their new attraction, Cheetah Hunt.

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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