Charlotte Klonk

Charlotte Klonk

Charlotte Klonk is an art historian.[1] She studied art history at the Universities of Hamburg and Cambridge. She was a Ph.D. student at Newnham College, University of Cambridge from 1989 to 1992. The title of her thesis wasScience and the Perception of Nature: British Landscape Art in the late 18th and early 19th centuries“. From 1992 to 1993 she worked at the Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst in Ghent (Director: Jan Hoet). In 1993 she received a Junior Research Fellowship at Christ Church, Oxford, and from 1995 to 2005 she was a lecturer at the Department of Art History at the University of Warwick. Since 2006 she has taught art history at the Humboldt University of Berlin.


Awards, Grants, Prizes and Fellowships

From 1986 to 1990 Klonk received a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and from 1989 to 1992 a Postgraduate Scholarship from the British Academy, the DAAD and the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. In April 1998 her book Science and the Perception was selected asInfluential Bookby the American Society of Eighteenth Century Studies. From 2001 to 2002 Charlotte Klonk was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and from 2005 to 2006 a Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Berlin. In 2009 she was chosen as a participant in the Berlin ProFil-Programme for university leaders.


  • 1996 Science and the Perception of Nature: British Landscape Art in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, New Haven and London, Yale University Press (reviewed among other places in The Times Literary Supplement,[2] Gazette de Beaux Arts and Art History 1997)
  • 2006 (with Michael Hatt), Art History: A Critical Introduction to Its Methods, Manchester, Manchester University Press (reviewed among other places in The Times Literary Supplement, 1 September 2006, and sehepunkte, 7 (2007), No. 3 [15 March 2007],
  • 2009 Spaces of Experience: Art Gallery Interiors from 18002000, New Haven and London, Yale University Press (reviewed among other places in Frieze, 1 November 2009)

Edited Books

  • 2008 (with Conny Becker, Franziska Solte and Friederike Schäfer): Metropolitan Views: Die Kunstszenen in Berlin und London, München, Deutscher Kunstverlag (reviewed among other places in TAZ, 30 July 2008, Berliner Morgenpost, 13 August 2008, Deutschlandradio Kultur, 21 August 2008, 10:33)


  • 1991Towards the Problem of an Aesthetic of Nature in Contemporary Art: Nicky Hirst and Rebecca Salter", in Scroope:

Cambridge Architectural Journal, 3, June, 1114.

  • 1997From Picturesque Travel to Scientific Observation: Artists' and Geologists' Voyages to Staffa", in Michael Rosenthal, Christiana Payne (ed.), Prospects for the Nation: Recent Essays in British Landscape, 17501880, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 205229.
  • 1999The National Gallery in London and Its Public”, in Maxine Berg, Helen Clifford (ed.), Consumers and Luxury: Consumer Culture in Europe 1650-1850, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 228250.
  • 2000Mounting Vision: Charles Eastlake and the National Gallery of London”, in Art Bulletin, 82, June, 331347.
  • 2001Im Auge des Betrachters: Die National Gallery in London im 19. Jahrhundert", in Gabriele Dürbeck, Bettina Gockel, Susanne B. Keller et. al. (ed.), Wahrnehmung der Natur - Natur der Wahrnehmung, Dresden, Verlag der Kunst, 179198.
  • 2002Interdisciplinarity and Visual Culture", in Paul Smith, Carolyn Wilde (ed.), A Companion to Art Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 467476.
  • 2003Science, Art and the Representation of the Natural World", in Roy Porter (ed.), The Cambridge History of Science, vol. 4:The Eighteenth Century”, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 665702.
  • 2005Patterns of Absorption: From Shop Windows to Galleries in Early Twentieth-Century Berlin”, Art History, 28, August, 468496.
  • 2007Theoretical Change and Visual Depiction”, in Erna Fiorentini (ed.), Observing NatureRepresenting Experience, Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, 4355.
  • 2008Bildterrorismus: Von Meins bis Schleyer”, in Inge Stephan, Alexandra Tacke (ed.), Nach-Bilder der R.A.F., Köln, Böhlau Verlag, 197215.
  • 2008Die Entführung Hanns Martin Schleyers oder die Entdeckung des Mediums Gesicht im terroristischen Bilderkampf“, in Kritische Berichte, 36, June, 4959.
  • 2010Sichtbar Machen und Sichtbar Werden im Kunstmuseum“, in Gottfried Boehm (ed.), Zeigen. Die Rhetorik des Sichtbaren, München, Wilhelm Fink (forthcoming)
  • 2010Angespannte Verhältnisse. Universitätsprofessoren und ihre Kollegen an Berliner Museen um 1900“, in Horst Bredekamp und Adam Labuda (ed.), 200 Jahre Kunstgeschichte an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (forthcoming)
  • 2010Die phantasmagorische Welt der ersten Documenta und ihr Erbe“, in Dorothea von Hantelmann, Carolin Meister (ed.), Der Aufstieg der Ausstellung, Berlin, Diaphanes (forthcoming)

Selected Conference Invitations

  • 2003 Keynote Speaker, Nordic Art History Associations Triennial Conference, Aarhus, 1518 August
  • 2003Patterns of Display: Shopping and Exhibitions“, Conference Patterns at the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 1213 December
  • 2004Changes in Vision: Museum Displays from the late 18th to the 20th Century“, University of Nottingham, 2728 June
  • 2005Theory versus Experience“, Conference Observing NatureRepresenting Experience at the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 2829 January
  • 2005An Intimate Public“, Conference Modernism and Privacy, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 34 June
  • 2005Geology and Landscape Painting“, Lecture at the USC, Los Angeles, 15 April
  • 2006Vision and the 19th-century Art Museum“, Department of Art History, Harvard University, Cambridge Mass., 10 April
  • 2007Wie die RAF den modernen Bildterrorismus erfand“, Kulturgeschichtetag, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, 811 September
  • 2007Sichtbarkeit im Museum“, Jahrestagung Zeigen: Die Rhetorik des Sichtbaren, NFS Bildkritik, University Basel, Basel, 1517 November
  • 2008Bilder in der KunstgeschichteBilder in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte“, Lecture together with Michael Hagner, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, 13 February
  • 2008Between Heaven and Earth: Early Aeroplanes and Old Landscapes“, Fehnsymposium, Hamar, Norway, 2829 August
  • 2008German Bildwissenschaft“, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 29 Oktober
  • 2009 F.A.Z. PanelKalter Kunstkrieg für immer?“ with Eduard Beaucamp, Niklas Maak and Eckhart Gillen, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg, 17 June
  • 2009 Keynote Speaker, Annual Conference of the European Historians of Science, Trondheim, 19 November

Recent Newspaper and Magazine Articles

  • 2009Wie man sitzt, so sieht man“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2 September, N3
  • 2009Charlotte Klonk visits Katja Strunz in her Studio“, Tate Magazin., 7 January, 38
  • 2008Bruce Nauman ‚Walk with Contrapposto’“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 10 May, Z5
  • 2007Liegen mit Lorca”, Ausstellungsbesprechung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 6 December, 36
  • 2007Aus der Film- und Fernsehakademie Holger Meins”, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 18 September, 15.

Recent Interviews

2006 Interview with Ruth Fühner forDoppelkopf’, Hessischer Rundfunk 2, 29 August 2006 Interview with Johan Schloemann for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, 18 Oktober 2007 Interview with Ivan Howlett forThe Tragical Adventure of Heinrich von Kleist’, BBC Radio 3, 7 January 2008 Interview with Jürgen Werth forZeig mir Dein Gesicht”, Radio Bremen, 5 Juli 2009 Interview with Heinz-Jörg Graf for "Die Gelehrtenrepublik", Deutschlandradio Kultur, 30 December


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