Charles Recher

Charles Recher

Charles Recher is a US-American installation artist and filmmaker who lives and works in Miami Beach, Florida. Recher has created in excess of one hundred films and videos. His work runs the gamut from the film "Kwagh-hir (Thing of Magic)," a documentary of the theater tradition of the Tiv people of Nigeria, to "Cars & Fish," Miami Performing Arts Center’s inaugural video installation, which cast 600-foot long swirling images onto adjacent building façades during Art Basel/Miami Beach in 2005.[1]



He has held numerous guest lectureships, including the University of Havana (Cuba). He was honored by being chosen for the "Masters of the Avant-Garde" film program at Harvard University's Carpenter Center for the Arts. For fifteen years he taught the experimental film and video program that he originated for Miami-Dade College's Wolfson Campus. His awards and fellowships include Cultural Consortium Fellowships, National Endowment for the Arts regional grants, and State of Florida Individual Artist Fellowships.[2] [3][4]

Filmography and media events

2009        TICKET BOOTH, video installation[5]

LAUGHING, video installation[5]

2008        CASA VALENTINA, 4 min. video[6]

CHANGE, 30-second video

2007        BODY, video installation

WATER, video installation

2006        MONITOR, collaborative video/sound performance[7]

2005        CARS & FISH, 2-hour video performance, with the composer Gustavo Matamoros for the Miami Performing Arts Center[8]

FISH SCHOOL, 5-foot robotic fish
HYPERSONIC FLOCK, collaborative sound performance[9]
TV-2, video performance
KWAGH-HIR, 30 min. documentary video of the traditional theatre of the Tiv people in Nigeria,[10] short version shown at the 2006 Miami Film Festival

2004        HALO, sound performance

2003        TRINITY, video installation[11]

I’M READY, video installation with actor Julio Gomez[12]

2001        TV, video performance[1]

2000        VIDEO PROPHET, video performance[11][12]

1999        ELECTROWAVE (aka RIDE), video installation in public bus[12][13]

1998        ANGELS and DEVILS, project with 2-D drawn imagery

1997        FACE II, interactive video installation[13]  

COFFEE CHOCOLATE ART, collaborative video/music installation

1996        FISH TANK, 3 min. video

1995        YOU AND HIM, interactive video installation

1994        FLORIDA, 18 min. film

1993        ELEVATOR, video installation 

FLORIDA STUDY, film installation
FACE, interactive video installation

1992        DANCER AND MONUMENT, film installation

1991        VIEWING, video installation 

WAR GAMES II, film installation

1990        FLAMINGO, 6 min. film 

INDUSTRY, multi-media installation
WOMAN I NEVER WAS, film installation
A.M., film installation

1989        STATIC, film installation 

MONSTERS, film installation
NO, film installation

1988        MY JAMAICA VACATION, 45 min. video 

WASHINGTON, 18 min. video5

1986        OCEAN ANGLE, 60 min. film performance

1985        GORGON, film installation

PORTRAIT I, 3 min. film

1984        ALL HALLOWS EVE, film installation

APPLAUSE, film installation

1983        VOLCANO, film performance[13]

GULLS, film installation

1981        COME ON OVER, film installation

SNAFU, film installation

1980        TEYIBAHW, 10 min. film

1979        SOMA, 4 min. video

1978        BIKE, film performance (a bicycle with a film projector, which was operated by riding)[13]

1977        AREBA, 3 min. film;  WINDOW, film installation

1975        BLACK OUT, film installation

OVERHEAD, 4 min. film

1973        WAR GAMES, 3 min. film

1972        COUPLE, 5 min. video

ROOM IN, film installation

1971        PUSHING, film performance

SELF-PORTRAIT, 5 min. film

1969        BELIZE, 6 min. film


  1. ^ a b Betancourt, Michael (2004). Re-Viewing Miami: A Collection of Essays, Criticism, & Art Reviews. US: Wildside Press. ISBN 0809511223. 
  2. ^ "Fellowship Recipients 2007". Florida Division of Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  3. ^ "Biography of Charles Recher". Retrieved 20 June 2011. 
  4. ^ Judges like what they see in Suncoast art entries, St. Petersburg Times, 9 November 1984,,398065&dq=charles-recher+-miami-herald&hl=en&id=VAYOAAAAIBAJ, retrieved 2011-02-04 
  5. ^ a b "Charles Recher: Video Installations". Laughing Heads, Ticket Booth. Ybor Film Festival. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  6. ^ Melaragno, Peter. "Peter Melaragno Miami Video". Casa Valentina. Peter Melaragno. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  7. ^ "EMIT: Gustavo Matamoros & Charles Recher". Monitor. The Studio@620. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  8. ^ "Miami Performing Arts Center Presents Cars & Fish". CARS & FISH. Carnival Center for the Performing Arts. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  9. ^ Oberkreser, Lyssa. "Falling on Deft Ears". Hypersonic. Miami New Times. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  10. ^ "Ybor Film Festival: shorts, documentaries, animation, experimental". Kwagh-hir. Ybor Film Festival. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  11. ^ a b "Festival of the Moving Image". Trinity. Ybor Film Festival. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  12. ^ a b c Summers, Marya. "Local Art, National Appeal". Video Prophet, I'm Ready, Electrowave (Ride). Palm Beach Art. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 
  13. ^ a b c d "Video Installation: "ELECTROWAVE" Bus". Electrowave (Ride). Mary Luft, Tigertail Productions. Retrieved 2 October 2011. 

External links

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  • Charles Recher — ist ein US amerikanischer Installationskünstler. Rechers erstes öffentliches Werk, das Anfang der 1970er Jahre entstand, war die Filminstallation Pushing. Es folgten mehr als 100 Filme und Videos sowie unterschiedliche Installationen, gefördert u …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Recher — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alecs Recher (* 1975), Schweizer Politiker Charles Recher, US amerikanischer Installationskünstler Johannes Recher (1783–1860), Schweizer Politiker Peter Emil Recher (1879–1948), deutscher Lithograf und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Recher — Recorded in England as Racher, Raisher, Recher, Rasher, Rasier, Raiser, Rasor, and no doubt others, this is a very interesting surname. It is apparently French and appears in the surviving church registers of the city of London from about the… …   Surnames reference

  • Liste der Biografien/Rec — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gustavo Matamoros — (* 1957 in Caracas) ist ein venezolanischer Komponist. Matamoros lebt in den USA, wo er seit 1989 künstlerischer Direktor des Subtropics Festival für experimentelle Musik ist. Seit 1996 leitet er außerdem den von ihm gegründeten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Résultats par canton des élections cantonales françaises de 2011 — Sommaire 1 Métropole 1.1 Ain (01) 1.2 Aisne (02) 1.3 Allier (03) 1.4 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Racher — Recorded in England as Racher, Raisher, Recher, Rasher, Rasier, Raiser, Rasor, and no doubt others, this is a very interesting surname. It is apparently French and appears in the surviving church registers of the city of London from about the… …   Surnames reference

  • Raisher — Recorded in England as Racher, Raisher, Recher, Rasher, Rasier, Raiser, Rasor, and no doubt others, this is a very interesting surname. It is apparently French and appears in the surviving church registers of the city of London from about the… …   Surnames reference

  • Rasher — Recorded in England as Racher, Raisher, Recher, Rasher, Rasier, Raiser, Rasor, and no doubt others, this is a very interesting surname. It is apparently French and appears in the surviving church registers of the city of London from about the… …   Surnames reference

  • Rasor — Recorded in England as Racher, Raisher, Recher, Rasher, Rasier, Raiser, Rasor, and no doubt others, this is a very interesting surname. It is apparently French and appears in the surviving church registers of the city of London from about the… …   Surnames reference

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