Carl Gottfried Woide

Carl Gottfried Woide

Carl Gottfried Woide (German: Karl Gottfried Woide) (17251790), also known in England as Charles Godfrey Woide, was an Orientalist.

Born to a German family in the Polish city of Leszno, he was a pastor of the Reformed church there till 1768. Woide lived in Britain from 1768 to 1790 and worked in the British Museum as a librarian.[1] He was one of the first scholars to work on the Egyptian Sahidic texts.[2] He examined the Codex Alexandrinus and published text of the New Testament from this codex in 1786. He owned a few pages from Uncial 070 (known as Fragmentum Woideanum).

He was elected in 1785 as a Fellow of the Royal Society.


  • Lexicon Ægyptiaco-Latinum, 1775.
  • Grammatica aegyptiaca utriusque dialecti (1778)
  • Novum Testamentum Graecum e codice ms. alexandrino, London 1786.
  • Appendix ad editionem Novi Testamenti graeciin qua continentur fragmenta Novi Testamenti juxta interpretationem dialecti superioris Aegypti quae thebaica vel sahidica appellatur, Oxford 1799.


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