Charles-Alexandre Fessy

Charles-Alexandre Fessy

Charles-Alexandre (Alexandre-Charles) Fessy (October 18, 1804 – November 30, 1856) was a French organist and composer. He entered the Paris Conservatory in 1813 studying harmony and piano. He later joined the organ class of Benoist and won first prize in organ in 1926.[1] He was organist of the small organ in l'Assomption before becoming the first organist of la Madeleine in 1846. The following year he exchanged position with Lefébure-Wély the organist of Saint-Roch. Fessy stayed at Saint-Roch until his death in 1856. Apart from being an organist he also served as the conductor of the 5th Legion of the National Guard in Paris.


  • Pièces pour orgue (Éditions Musicales Chanvrelin 1995)
Choeur de Clairon
Grand Choeur
Les Jeux de Fonds

For listening

  • YouTube Aare-Paul Lattik plays Boléro at the Rieger-Kloss organ in St-Nicolas church, Tallinn, Estonia.


  1. ^ Organists and Organ Playing in Nineteenth-Century France and Belgium, Orpha Caroline Ochse 1994, page 20.

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