- Potassium titanyl phosphate
Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTiOPO4) or KTP is a nonlinear optical material which is commonly used for frequency doubling diode pumped solid-state lasers such as and other
neodymium -dopedlaser s. The material has a relatively highoptical damage threshold (~15 J/cm²), a great optical nonlinearity and excellent thermal stability. However, it is prone tophotochromic damage (calledgrey tracking ) during high-power 1064nm second-harmonic generation which tends to limit its use to low- and mid-power systems.It is also frequently used as an
optical parametric oscillator for near IR generation up to 4 µm. It is particularly suited to high power operation as an optical parametric oscillator due to its high damage threshold and largecrystal aperture . The high degree of birefringent walkoff between the pump signal and idler beams present in this material limit its use as an optical parametric oscillator for very low power applications.KTP is also used as an
electrooptic modulator , opticalwaveguide material, and indirectional coupler s.KTP has
orthorhombic crystal structure . It is highly transparent for wavelengths between 350–2700 nm with a reduced transmission out to 4500 nm where the crystal is effectively opaque. Itssecond harmonic generation (SHG) coefficient is about threfold higher than KDP. It has a Mohs hardness of about 5.Crack-free fibers of KTP can be prepared from suitable
organometallic compound s (usually ethylalkoxide s of potassium and titanium, and butylester ofphosphoric acid ).KTP crystals coupled with or crystals are commonly found in green
laser pointer s.Other such materials include KTiOAsO4.
Periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP)
Periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) consists of KTP with switched domain regions within the crystal for various
nonlinear optic applications and frequency conversion. It can be wavelength tailored for efficientsecond harmonic generation ,sum frequency generation , and difference frequency generation. The interactions in PPKTP are based uponquasi-phase-matching , achieved byperiodic poling of the crystal, whereby a structure of regularly spacedferroelectric domains with alternating orientations are created in the material.PPKTP is commonly used for Type 1 & 2 frequency conversions for pump wavelengths of 730-3500 nm.
Other materials used for periodic poling are
wide band gap inorganic crystals likelithium niobate (resulting in periodically poled lithium niobate, PPLN),lithium tantalate , and some organic materials.ee also
Other materials used for laser frequency doubling are
*Lithium triborate (LBO), used for high output power greenDPSS laser s
*Beta barium borate (BBO), used for high output power DPSSblue laser sExternal links
* [http://www.advr-inc.com/waveguide.html AdvR - Periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate & KTP waveguides]
* [http://www.mt-berlin.com/frames_cryst/descriptions/ktp.htm Potassium titanyl phosphate]
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