

Chalchihuihtotolin, the Jewelled Fowl, was Tezcatlipoca's nagual.

Chalchihuihtotolin is a symbol of powerful sorcery. Tezcatlipoca can tempt humans into self-destruction, but when he takes his turkey form he can also cleanse them of contamination, absolve them of guilt, and overcome their fate.

The Tonalpohualli (day count) was a 260 day sacred calendar for the Aztecs. This Aztec Calendar was used primarily as a divinatory tool as it divides the days and rituals between the gods to maintain the delicate equilibrium of the Universe. The tonalpohualli tells how time is divided among the gods and without it, the Aztecs believed that the world would soon come to an end.

Chalchihuihtotolin rules over day Tecpatl (Stone Knife) and over trecena (a 13 day week) 1-Atl (Water).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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