

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Art = Stadt
image_photo = Herrrenberg marktplatz1.jpg
Wappen = Wappen Herrenberg.pnglat_deg = 48 |lat_min = 35 |lat_sec = 48
lon_deg = 8 |lon_min = 52 |lon_sec = 15
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Baden-Württemberg
Regierungsbezirk = Stuttgart
Landkreis = Böblingen
Höhe = 460
Fläche = 65.71
Einwohner = 31394
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 71070–71083
PLZ-alt = 7033
Vorwahl = 07032
Kfz = BB
Gemeindeschlüssel = 08 1 15 021
Gliederung = 8
Adresse = Marktplatz 5
71083 Herrenberg
Website = [http://www.herrenberg.de/ www.herrenberg.de]
Bürgermeister = Thomas Sprißler

Herrenberg is a town in the middle of Baden-Württemberg, about 30 kmsouth of Stuttgart and 20 km from Tübingen. After Sindelfingen, Böblingen, and Leonberg, it is the fourth largest town in the district of Böblingen. The number of inhabitants of Herrenberg exceeded 20,000 in 1972 due to the incorporation of the following formerly independent municipalities:

* In 1965 Affstätt
* In 1971 Haslach, Kayh, Kuppingen, and Mönchberg
* In 1972 Oberjesingen
* In 1975 Gueltstein


Herrenberg is situated on the western edge of the Schonbuch forest and is a central town within the Gäu region. The Stiftskirche, which houses the Glockenmuseum, is a visible tourist attraction in the main square.

Herrenberg is at the southern end of the S1 S-Bahn train line. It also has connections, via the A81, to Stuttgart and the rest of northern Germany. To the south the A81 provides access to Switzerland, Austria and Italy. Herrenberg is also close to Strasbourg, which is only about 110km [http://www.map24.de] to the west

The following towns and municipalities border Herrenberg. They are listed in clockwise direction beginning in the north:

Deckenpfronn, Gärtringen, Nufringen, Hildrizhausen and Altdorf (all Böblingen district), Ammerbuch (Tübingen district), Gäufelden and Jettingen (both Böblingen district) as well as Wildberg (Calw district).

City arrangement

Herrenberg consists of the town center and the 7 additional towns which were merged in the regional reorganization of the 1960s and 1970s. This includes Affstätt, Gültstein, Haslach, Kayh, Kuppingen, Mönchberg and Oberjesingen. In each different area of Herrenberg there is an office for the district and a town clerk.


* ¹ Census results
* ² Herrenberg Amtsblatt 23 November 2006


The local council has, since the last election on 13. June 2004, a total of 40 Seats. The distribution of the different parties and groups are as follows: (in German)
*CDU 30,6% (-2,4) - 13 Seats (-1)
*FW 21,8% (-2,3) - 9 Seats (-1)
*SPD 21,9% (+0,4) - 9 Seats (=)
*Grüne 16,3% (+5,6) - 6 Seats (+2)
*Frauenliste 9,4% (+2,4) - 3 Seats (+1)
*Others 0,0% (-3,7) - 0 Seats (-1)


Various small, medium and large businesses are located in Herrenberg. Some examples of internationally known businesses are:
* Feinmetall (electronic test components)
* Frog Design (industrial design)
* GlaxoSmithKline (pharmaceuticals)
* Hewlett-Packard (computer manufacturing)
* IBM (IT training and sales)
* Solectron (printed-circuit manufacturing)
* Walter Knoll (furniture)


Herrenberg has lots of tourist attractions that bring many people to the town.The old town has many restaurants with a large range of meals available. These include Italian, Chinese, Indian, Greek and German restaurants. It also has many icecream shops and cafes [http://de.local.yahoo.com/Landkreis_B%C3%B6blingen/Herrenberg/Essen_%2526_Trinken/de100000584-c-659392.html?vid=yah00test&mkt=de&Keywords=Restaurant+Herrenberg] .

Many of these restaurants sell food when the Stadtfest (town festival) occurs (normally in July). 25,000 people turn up for the town festival to drink and listen to the live music in the squares. [http://www.choere-herrenberg.de/presse_gb010723.html]


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