Cesare Segre

Cesare Segre
Cesare Segre
Occupation Philologist
Nationality Italy Italian
Period Medieval, 1990, 2000
Genres historical, philological, semiotics
Spouse(s) Maria Luisa Meneghetti

IUSS Pavia iusspavia.it/eng/centri.php?id=16&sez=1 IUSS Pavia

Cesare Segre (born April 4, 1928 in Verzuolo, Province of Cuneo) is an Italian philologist, semiotician and literary critic of Jewish descent, currently the Director of the Texts and Textual Traditions Research Centre of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Pavia (IUSS).

He lived and studied in Turin, where he was awarded his degree in 1950, a pupil of Benvenuto Terracini and famous uncle Santorre Debenedetti. A professor of Romance Philology since 1954, he taught at the universities of Trieste and Pavia, where in the 60s he became Chair of this discipline. Segre was also a Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester, University of Rio de Janeiro, Harvard University, Princeton University, Berkeley University.

He collaborated with numerous academic magazines and journals, among which: Studi di filologia italiana, Cultura neolatina, L'Approdo letterario; he has also been the editor of Paragone; director with Maria Corti, D'Arco Silvio Avalle and Dante Isella, of Strumenti critici; co-director of Medioevo romanzo (of which he was also one of the founders) and the series Critica e filologia published by Feltrinelli. He has also edited with Carlo Ossola an anthology of Italian poetry published by Einaudi.

Segre is married with Maria Luisa Meneghetti (born 1950), also a teacher of Romance philology, at the University of Milan.

He was the president of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. With his important research, Segre has contributed to the introduction of formalist and structural theories in Italian literary critique. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, pivotal are his studies in this area, such as:

  • I segni e la critica (Einaudi, Turin 1969);
    • Semiotics and Literary Criticism (Walter De Gruyter, 1973)
  • I metodi attuali della critica in Italia (Eri, Turin 1970), with Maria Corti;
  • Le strutture e il tempo (Einaudi, Turin 1974);
  • Avviamento all'analisi del testo letterario (Einaudi, Turin 1985),


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