Eobania vermiculata

Eobania vermiculata

name = "Eobania vermiculata"

image_width =
status =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Gastropoda
subclassis = Orthogastropoda
superordo = Heterobranchia
ordo = Pulmonata
familia = Helicidae
genus = "Eobania"
species = "E. vermiculata"
binomial = "Eobania vermiculata"
binomial_authority = ((Müller, 1774)

"Eobania vermiculata" also known as "Helix vermiculata" is a species of large, air-breathing, land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Helicidae, the true snails or typical snails.


These snails create and use love darts as part of their mating behavior.


This is a European species that ranges from eastern Spain to the Crimea.

It has been introduced to southeastern Australia, where it is known as the chocolate-band snail. [http://www.ento.csiro.au/aicn/name_s/b_1521.htm]


* Lots of good info at: [http://www.animalbase.uni-goettingen.de/zooweb/servlet/AnimalBase/home/species?id=1367]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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