- Bipartite dimension
In the mathematical field of
graph theory , the bipartite dimension of angraph G=(V,E) is the minimum number ofbiclique s, that is, complete bipartite subgraphs, needed to cover all edges in E. A collection of bicliques covering all edges in G is called a biclique edge cover, or sometimes biclique cover. The bipartite dimension of G is often denoted by the symbol d(G). An example for a biclique edge cover is given in the following diagrams:Bipartite dimension of some special graphs
Fishburn and Hammer determine the bipartite dimension for some special graphs. For example, the path has , the cycle has , and the complete graph has .
Computational complexity
Determining d(G) is an
optimization problem . Thedecision problem for bipartite dimension can be phrased as::INSTANCE: A graph and a positive integer .:QUESTION: Does G admit a biclique edge cover containing at most bicliques?
This problem is
NP-complete , even forbipartite graph s, as proved by Orlin. It appears as problem GT18 in Garey and Johnson's classical book on NP-completeness. This decision problem is a rather straightforward reformulation of another decision problem on families of finite sets, the "set basis problem", proved to be NP-complete earlier by Stockmeyer, and appearing as problem SP7 in Garey and Johnson's book.Here, for a family of subsets of a finite set , a set basis for is another family of subsets of , such that every set can be described as the union of some basis elements from . The set basis problem is now given as follows::INSTANCE: A finite set , a family of subsets of , and a positive integer .:QUESTION: Does there exist a set basis of size at most for ?
* P. C. Fishburn and P. L. Hammer. Bipartite dimensions and bipartite degrees of graphs. "Discrete Mathematics", 160:127-148, 1996
* M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson. "". Freeman, 1979.
* S. Monson, N. Pullman, and R. Rees: A survey of clique and biclique coverings and factorizations of (0,1)-matrices. "Bulletin of the ICA", vol 14, pp. 17--86, 1995.
* J. Orlin. Contentment in Graph Theory: Covering Graphs with Cliques. "Indagationes Mathematicae", 80:406–424, 1977.
* Larry J. Stockmeyer. The set basis problem is NP-complete. Technical Report RC-5431, IBM, 1975.ee also
List of NP-complete problems External Links
[http://11011110.livejournal.com/134829.html blog entry about bipartite dimension by David Eppstein]
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