- United States gubernatorial elections, 2007
The United States gubernatorial elections of 2007, were held in October and November
2007 . Two of the seats up for election were Republican and one was Democratic. The final results were a net change of zero among the parties with one Republican pickup and one Democratic pickup balancing each other out. With the exception ofLouisiana , these elections were part of the 2007 U.S. general election.Parties
Going into the 2007 gubernatorial elections, the Democratic Party held 28 Governor's seats, while the Republican Party held 22 Governor's seats. Democratic and Republican candidates filed in all 3 states, and the Libertarian Party had ballot representation in Louisiana.
Election Details
Retiring Democratic
Kathleen Blanco (Louisiana)
Kathleen Blanco announced onMarch 20 2007 that she would not seek a second term. [ [http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-Louisiana-Governor.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Louisiana's Governor Won't Seek Re-election] ] Blanco had taken flak for the aftermath ofHurricane Katrina and the government's ill-preparedness to deal with casualties.Republican U.S. Representative
Bobby Jindal won about 54% of the vote in theOctober 20 jungle primary , enough to avoid a run-off in November. His nearest opponent, Democratic State SenatorWalter Boasso , won about 17% of the vote; Independent New Orleans area businessman John Georges finished third with 14% of the vote, while Public Service CommissionerFoster Campbell (D) finished fourth with 12%. [ [http://www400.sos.louisiana.gov:8090/cgibin/?rqstyp=elcms2&rqsdta=102007 Louisiana Secretary of State] Retrieved October 22, 2007]Former U.S. Senator
John Breaux , arguably the most popular Democratic politician in Louisiana, had publicly flirted with entering the race in March and April 2007, but eventually declined to run due to the unresolved controversy over whether his recentMaryland residency made him ineligible to run. [ [http://www.dailycomet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070222/APN/702222671 Breaux's residency questioned amid rumors of possible candidacy] ] After Breaux's announcement, Lieutenant GovernorMitch Landrieu also declined running.Jindal led in fundraising with $11 million raised up to the end of September, with $4.3 million of that left for the remainder of the campaign. Georges has put $7 million of his own money into his campaign. Boasso had spent $4.7 million of his own money and had $144,000 in the bank. [ [http://www.nola.com/newsflash/louisiana/index.ssf?/base/news-35/1192118995187040.xml&storylist=louisiana "Jindal maintains wide lead in fundraising"] ]
Republican incumbents
Ernie Fletcher (Kentucky)
Ernie Fletcher ran for reelection for a second term. Various polls indicated he had been very unpopular with an approval rating of 38%. Also, Fletcher's governorship had been embroiled in scandal due to the criminal indictment of several people in his administration for illegally hiring workers into the state merit system based on political considerations. Fletcher was challenged in the primary byAnne Northup , a formerU.S. Representative who servedKentucky's 3rd congressional district from 1997-2007, as well as Paducah businessman Billy Harper. Underscoring the controversy over the hiring scandal, Lieutenant GovernorSteve Pence chose not to run for reelection on the Fletcher ticket and publicly endorsed Northup. [cite news |title=Pence endorses Northup for governor |publisher=The Courier-Journal |date= 2007-02-26 |url=http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070226/NEWS0104/70226014] In addition, Northup was endorsed by U.S. SenatorJim Bunning . [cite news |title= Bunning backs Northup for gov |publisher=Kentucky Post |date=2007-01-22 |url=http://news.cincypost.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070122/NEWS02/701220363 |first=Michael |last=Collins] However, Fletcher won the primary, winning 101,233 votes (50%) and carrying 106 of Kentucky's 120 counties in a three way race. [http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070523/NEWS0106/70523009] Northup won the state's largest county, which contains Louisville, and her former congressional district, but lacked support at large; turnout in Jefferson County was not strong enough to make up for that. [cite news|url=http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070523/NEWS0106/70523009/1008/NEWS01|publisher=Courier-Journal|title=Fletcher beats Northup despite scandal|date=2007-05-23|author=Gerth, Joseph]A large number of Democrats ran in the primary, including
State Treasurer Jonathan Miller, former Lieutenant GovernorsSteve Beshear andSteve Henry , businessmanBruce Lunsford andKentucky House of Representatives SpeakerJody Richards . Lunsford spent over $4 million, much of it his own money; Miller dropped out of the race and endorsed Beshear. Beshear won the primary with 142,516 votes (41%) in the crowded field; his next closest competitor was Lunsford with 21%. Henry took 18% of the vote and Richards, 12%. In their election night concession speeches Lunsford, Henry and Richards each pledged their support to Beshear. [cite news|url=http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200770523008|title=Beshear's victory revives political career|author=Loftus, Tim|date=2007-05-23|publisher=Courier-Journal]As a result of the General Election on November 7, 2007, Beshear defeated Fletcher in his bid for reelection. Beshear was inaugurated on December 11, 2007.
Haley Barbour (Mississippi)
Haley Barbour ran for a second term. Barbour was popular, with a 59% approval rating, and faced only a token primary challenge. Four Democratic candidates filed to face him in the general election including eventual nominee attorney John Eaves.On election day, Barbour defeated Eaves garnering 58% of the vote.
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