- Aerospace warfare center
= Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Center (CFAWC) =
The CFAWC is located at 8 Wing Trenton, with a sub unit located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada reports directly to the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS). The CFAWC was founded in October 2005, with the mandate to become the engine of transformation for the Canadian Air Force.
The goal of the CFAWC is to become the center of excellence for and development of Canadian Aerospace Power by becoming the stewards of Canadian Forces Aerospace knowledge and research. The CFAWC will provide the Air Force and CAS with the knowledge and doctrine for Canadian to conduct Aerospace activities as the Air Force transforms to meet the future requirements of the Canada.
Education & Specialty Training (EST)
Concepts & Doctrine Development (C&DD)
Analysis & Lessons Learned (A&LL)
Strategic Aerospace Assessment & Liaison (SARAL)
Air Force Experimentation Center (AFEC)
Synthetic Environment Coordination Office (SECO)
Electronic Warfare Operational Support (EWOS)
Distributed Mission Operational support (DMOC)
Operational Research & Analysis (OR&A)
Other activites
Publishes the Canadian Airforce Journal
Hosts the Annual Canadian Air Force historical Workshop
Develops and sponsors articles and publications on CF Air Force history and Leadership
Promotes Comteporary Warfare Studies throught the Aerogram
References and links
CFAWC Home Page http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/CFAWC/Index_e.asp
CFAWC Publications Elibrary http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/CFAWC/eLibrary/eLibrary_e.asp
Canadian Airforce Journal http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/CFAWC/eLibrary/Journal_e.asp
Aerogram http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/CFAWC/Contemporary_Studies_e.asp
Canadian Air Force Historical WorkShops http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/CFAWC/CDD/histworkshop/HistWorKShop_e.asp
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