

René-Emmanuel Baton, known as Rhené-Baton, (5 September 1879 - 23 September 1940), was a French conductor and composer. Though born in Normandy, his family originated in Vitré in nearby Brittany. He returned to the region at the age of 19, and many of his compositions express his love of the area. He also had close relationships with composers of the Breton cultural renaissance, notably Guy Ropartz, Paul Le Flem, Paul Ladmirault and Louis Aubert. As a conductor he was notable for his attempts to expand appreciation of classical music.

Conducting career

He was born in Courseulles-sur-Mer. He studied piano at the Paris Conservatory and learned music theory under André Gedalge. He began his career as a "chef de chant" at the Opera-Comique in 1907. He was then appointed as musical director of various orchestral groups, notably the "Society of Saint Cecilia" in Bordeaux and Angers "Société populaire" (1910-1912).

In 1910 he was chosen to head the "Festival of French music" in Munich in Germany. Serge Diaghilev requested that he conduct the Ballets Russes in London and South America (1912-1913). During World War I he was the head of the Dutch Royal Opera (1916-1918) and held summer concerts of the "Orchestra in Residence of the Hague" in Scheveningen (1914-1919).

Serge Sandberg entrusted him with the direction of the Pasdeloup concert (the French "Proms") the mission of which was to democratize access to music, providing commentary and analysis prior to the performance of works. He organized this event until 1932, and continued to lead the orchestra until the end of his life. He died on 23 September 1940, at Le Mans.


He created the first performances of a number of notable musical works:

*"Habanera" by Louis Aubert (1919)
*"Printemps" by Claude Debussy (1913)
*"Les Agrestides" and the "Organ Symphony" by Georges Migot (1912)
*"Les Evocations" by Albert Roussel (1912)
*"Alborada del gracioso" (1919) and "Le Tombeau de Couperin" by Maurice Ravel
*"Requiem" by Guy Ropartz (1939)

Albert Roussel dedicated to him his 2nd Symphony (1923), and Arthur Honegger "Le Chant de Nigamon" (1918).


Rhené-Baton composed pieces for orchestra, chamber ensembles and a large number of piano works. His "6 Songs for Marycinthe" were created at the request of Maurice Duhamel. Breton subjects appear frequently in his works, such as "Au pardon de Rumengol", "En Bretagne", "Vieille chapelle en Cornouaille". He also set to music the poems of Auguste Brizeux (Le Clocher) and Louis Tiercelin (Chansons bretonnes). Some of his works were influenced by the vogue for orientalism at the time. [http://www.compositeursbretons.com/www/sonaozer/fra/compositeurs-detail.asp?id_compositeurs=9 Rhené-Baton sur compositeursbretons.com] ]


ymphonic and Operatic

*Variations pour piano et orchestre sur un thème en mode éolien 1904
*Menuet pour Monsieur, frère du roi 1909
*Poème élégiaque pour violon et orchestre 1924
*Danses paysannes 1924
*En vacances 1924
*Pour les funérailles d’un marin breton, pièce symphonique 1925
*Fantaisie orientale, pour violon et orchestre 1926
*Fantaisie orientale 1926
*Musiques de films 1928-29
*Petite suite pour orchestre d’harmonie 1932

Chamber music

*Sonate pour violon et piano n° 1 1921
*Sonate pour piano et violoncelle 1923
*Trio pour piano, violon et violoncelle 1924
*Poème élégiaque, pour piano et violoncelle 1924
*Fantaisie orientale, pour piano et violon 1926
*Sonate pour violon et piano n° 2 1927
*Suite ancienne, pour piano et violon 1933


*Six préludes
*Sérénade fantasque 1901
*En Bretagne, suite de six pièces 1909
*Dans le style rococo 1921
*Ballades 1921-26
*Au pardon de Romengol 1922
*Danses à sept temps 1923
*Album rose 1923
*Bluette pour piano 1923
*Marche des rois mages 1925
*Dans la clairière 1925
*Cortège funèbre d’un Samouraï 1925
*Danse pour Anne de Bretagne 1926
*Danses de la Saint-Jean pays trégorrois 1926
*Vieille chapelle en Cornouaille 1926
*Valse romantique 1927
*Préludes pour piano 1928
*Scherzetto, Pays lointain 1929

Vocal and religious

*Pièces pour voix et piano
*Chansons pour Marycinthe pour orchestre 1931


External Links

* [http://www.resonances-bretagne.org/spip2005/00/article.php3?id_article=270 René, Emmanuel Bâton]
* [http://www.compositeursbretons.com/www/sonaozer/fra/compositeurs-detail.asp?id_compositeurs=9 Rhené-Baton sur compositeursbretons.com]

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