Zazen Extasy

Zazen Extasy

Infobox Album
Name = Zazen Extacy DVD
Type = video
Longtype = (Live DVD)
Artist = Shiina Ringo

Released = September 17, 2008
Recorded = July 30, 2000
Genre = J-pop, Live
Length =
Label = EMI Music Japan
Producer =
Reviews =
Last album = Dai Ikkai Ringohan Taikai no Moyou
This album = Zazen Extacy
Next album =

Infobox concert tour
concert_tour_name = Zazen Extacy

image_caption =
artist = Shiina Ringo
start_date = July 30, 2000
end_date = July 30, 2000
number_of_shows = 1
last_tour = Gokiritsu Japon
this_tour = Zazen Extacy
next_tour = Baishou Ecstasy

"nihongo|Zazen Extasy|座禅エクスタシー|Zen meditation Ecstasy" is the live show by Shina Ringo who performed in the playhouse "nihongo|Kaho Gekijou|嘉穂劇場|Kaho Theater" in Iizuka City, Fukuoka on July 30, 2000. The official name is "nihongo|Shiina Ringo Jitsuen Kyushu Zazen Extasy|椎名林檎 ()実演キューシュー 座禅エクスタシー|Shiina Ringo (rare) The Performance at Kyushu Zen meditation Ecstasy"

Or, Zazen Extasy is the name of Shina Ringo's live DVD released as the 2nd plan of the 10th anniversary of her debut on September 17, 2008. The distributor is EMI Music Japan.


This show is one-night stand which Shina Ringo performed at Kaho theater in Iizuka-shi in Fukuoka like her hometown Fukuoka-shi.The ticket was sold by a lottery, and was sold out in spite of being as expensive as 10,000 yen.It was before she went into a maternity leave, and it was the heyday of Shiina Ringo in popularity.As a result, her fans who were not able to purchase a ticket made a bid for it with the several times as high price as the regular price at auction etc.However, Kaho Gekijou built in Japanese traditional architecture is different from a normal concert hall and can accommodate only 1,000.Thus the Toshiba EMI broadcasted this live in streaming on Web for her fans who had no ticket or were not able to go to Fukuoka since they lived in other districts.The instantaneous number of the simultaneous access to the streaming reached 17,300, and it established Japan record then.She invited the fans who lost the lottery of the ticket and let them play an extra and photographed PV of "Yattsuke Shigoto" on July 28 when the band members had a dress rehearsal before the public performance.Since this sound source is using the recording the performance at Shibuya Public Hall on April 28, 2000 in "Gekokujou Xstasy" tour, the rhythm changes at the last so that it may follow next song "Benkai Debussy."

Shiina Ringo ordered all the guests to wear clothes red as possible on that day.About this, she said that while a vocalist of a rock band said, "Wear black dress in tomorrow's live", when a vocalist alone wore different clothes, she thought that was funny.

About the scenic design and the stage effects, she aimed at the Japanese style and used the shoji etc.Also about the theatrical costumes, all members of the band "Gyakutai Glycogene" also wore the yukata with Shina Ringo.She crucified the mannequin which wore the dress like the bandage which she had worn in the former nationwide tour "Gekokujou Xstasy" on the stage.This Japanese-style idea is inherited in the later nationwide tour "Sugoroku Ecstasy" which was recorded on DVD "Electric Mole".The photograph of this day is exhibited in HP of Kaho Gekijou. [ ["Kaho Gekijou(Kaho Theater)"] ]

et list

# "nihongo|Tsumiki-asobi|積木遊び|Building block play"
# "nihongo|Memai|眩暈|Dizziness"
# "nihongo|Shoujo Robot|少女ロボット|Girl Robot"
#: She covered the offer song to Rie Tomosaka in person.
# "nihongo|Remote Controller|リモートコントローラー|Remote Controller"
# "nihongo|Akane-sasu Kiro Terasaredo...|茜さす 帰路照らされど...|The crimson-gleaming sun still shines on my way back, but..."
#"nihongo|Haikei EMI dono|拝啓EMI殿|Dear Sir EMI"
#: She covered Sex Pistols's "E.M.I.", but this song wasnt recorded on this DVD.
# "Identity /アイデンティティ"
# "nihongo|Byoushou Public|病床パブリック|Sickbed Public"
# "Unconditional Love"
#: She covered Cindi Lauper's song.
# "nihongo|Sakana|サカナ|Fish"
# "nihongo|Kabuki-chou no Jo-ou|歌舞伎町の女王|Queen of Kabukicho"
# "nihongo|Benkai Debussy|弁解ドビュッシー|Excuse Debussy"
# "nihongo|Yokushitsu|浴室|Bathroom"
# "My Luxury Night/マイ・ラグジュアリーナイト"
#: Originally it was Hatsumi Shibata's song, but she covered the version of Takao Kisugi who is the composer of this song.
# "nihongo|Sid to Hakuchumu|シドと白昼夢|Sid and Daydream"
# "nihongo|Stoicism|ストイシズム|Stoicism"Encore
# "nihongo|Nihon ni Umarete|日本に生まれて|Born in Japan"
#: She covered the offer song to Rie Tomosaka in person.

Backing band

nihongo|Gyakutai Glycogen|虐待グリコゲン|Abuse Glycogen (1999-2000)
* Vocals, Electric guitar: 椎名林檎 Shiina Ringo
* Electric guitar: 西川進 Susumu Nishikawa (1999) → 弥吉淳二 Junji Yayoshi (2000, he is Shiina's former husband)
* Electric bass guitar: 亀田誠治 Seiji Kameda
* Synthesizer, Keyboard instrument: 皆川真人 Masato Minagawa (from Thinners, SPARKY)
* Drums: 村石雅行 Masayuki Muraishi
* Music sequencer中山信彦 Nobuhiko Nakayama

All concerned

* ウスイヒロシ Hiroshi Usui

* Toshiba EMI

* Kaho Gekijou

Notes & References

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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