Hoyte Van Hoytema

Hoyte Van Hoytema

Infobox Celebrity
name = Hoyte van Hoytema
birth_date = birth date and age|1971|10|04
nationality =
death_date =
death_place =
occupation = Cinematographer

Hoyte van Hoytema (born October 4th, 1971, in Horgen, Swiss) is a cinematographer who studied at the Polish National Filmschool in Lodz.

Life and Work

Hoyte van Hoytema has shot several features, documentaries and successful TV series. His collaboration with Director Mikael Marcimain has won him critical acclaim and a collection of national and international prizes.

In 2008 Hoyte van Hoytema got the Nordic Vision Award for cinematography in the film “Let the Right one in” directed by Tomas Alfredsson handed out at the Gothenburg film festival. The film continues over the world winning prizes, including the prize for best cinematography at the Montreal Fant-asia festival and the main prize at the Tribeca festival in New York.


*2008 Kodak Nordic Vision Award, Best Cinematography for Låt den rätte komma in

External links

[http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0887227/ Hoyte van Hoytema at imdb]

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