Dnevnik jedne ljubavi

Dnevnik jedne ljubavi

Dnevnik jedne ljubavi ("Diary of a Love") is the debut album by Croatian singer Josipa Lisac, released by Jugoton in 1973.

Dnevnik jedne ljubavi is one of the best concept albums of Croatian pop rock and is considered a classic.[1]

The album was polled in 1998 as the 9th on the list of 100 greatest Yugoslav rock and pop albums in the book YU 100: najbolji albumi jugoslovenske rok i pop muzike (YU 100: The Best albums of Yugoslav pop and rock music).[2]

Track listing

All songs written by Karlo Metikoš and Ivica Krajač.

  1. O jednoj mladosti (About a youth)
  2. Srela sam se s njim (I met with him)
  3. Sreća (Happiness)
  4. Po prvi put (For the first time)
  5. Plačem (I'm crying)
  6. Jedna kratka vijest (One short message)
  7. Ležaj od suza (Bed of tears)
  8. Ne prepoznajem ga (I don't recognise him)
  9. Vjerujem ti sve (I believe you everything)
  10. Kao stranac (Like a stranger)


  1. ^ http://www.crorec.hr/crorec.hr/izvodjac.php?OBJECT_ID=101016&x=9&y=6
  2. ^ Antonić, Duško; Štrbac, Danilo (1998). YU 100: najbolji albumi jugoslovenske rok i pop muzike. Belgrade: YU Rock Press. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Josipa Lisac — (born February 14, 1950 in Zagreb, then NR Croatia, FPR Yugoslavia, now Republic of Croatia), is an eminent female rock and pop music singer. BiographyDuring the 1960 s she was a vocalist of the group named Zlatni Akordi. Her first solo album,… …   Wikipedia

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