Josipa Lisac

Josipa Lisac

Josipa Lisac (born February 14, 1950 in Zagreb, then NR Croatia, FPR Yugoslavia, now Republic of Croatia), is an eminent female rock and pop music singer.


During the 1960's she was a vocalist of the group named Zlatni Akordi. Her first solo album, recorded in 1973, "Dnevnik jedne ljubavi" (Diary of one love) was a huge sucess and is until today one of the most legendary albums in Croatia.

She had a lot of big rock hits, but she also sang Bosnian folk songs (Omer beže) and Croatian Christmas songs.Beside being a top act of the Croatian popular music, she was also highly acclaimed in the former Yugoslav rock scene.


* Dnevnik jedne ljubavi (1973) ("Diary of one love")
* Najveći uspjesi '68./ '73. (1974) ("Biggest hits 68 - 73")
* Gubec-Beg (1975, Rockopera from Karlo Metikoš and Ivica Krajač)
* Josipa Lisac & B.P. Convention Big Band International (1976)
* Made in USA (1979)
* Hir, hir, hir (1980) ("Tic, tic, tic")
* Lisica (1982) ("Vixen")
* Hoću samo tebe (1983) ("I just want you")
* Boginja (1987) ("Godess")
* Balade (1987) ("Balads")
* Live in Lap (1991)
* Čestit Božić (1992) ("Merry Christmas")
* Ritam kiše (1993) ("Rhytm of the rain")
* Koncert u čast Karla Metikoša (1995) ("Concert in honour to Karlo Metikoš")
* Antologija (Vol. I. - VIII.) (1997)
* The Best of (1998)
* Život (2000) ("Life")
* Live (2000)

External links

* [ Official Site]
* [ Josipa Lisac Bio] at Croatia Records Official Site hr icon
* [ Josipa on] (In english)

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