Jewish Socialist Workers Party

Jewish Socialist Workers Party

: Cambridge University Press, 1988. p. 44]

The party favoured the idea of a Jewish National Assembly (a Seym). It envisaged a federation of nationalities in Russia, each led by an elected body of representatives with political powers inside their community. At a later stage, the Jews would seek territorial concentration. [Borochov, Ber, and Mitchell Cohen. " [ Class struggle and the Jewish nation: selected essays in Marxist Zionism] ." New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1984. p. 11] Ėstraĭkh, G. " [ In Harness: Yiddish Writers' Romance with Communism. Judaic traditions in literature, music, and art.] " Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 2005. p. 30] [Frankel, Jonathan. " [ Prophecy and Politics: Socialism, Nationalism, and the Russian Jews, 1862-1917] ". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. p. 155] []

The party actively supported Yiddish language and culture. [Ėstraĭkh, G. " [ In Harness: Yiddish Writers' Romance with Communism. Judaic traditions in literature, music, and art.] " Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 2005. p. 11] The party published the Yiddish-language newspaper "Folks-shtime" ('People's Voice') from Kiev and Vilna. [Ėstraĭkh, G. " [ In Harness: Yiddish Writers' Romance with Communism. Judaic traditions in literature, music, and art.] " Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 2005. p. 13] [] The party also published the organ "Vozrozhdenie". [Avrich, Paul. " [ Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America] ". Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. p. 387]

During the 1906 period, the party had 3000 of its cadres organized in paramilitary self-defense units. However, about 300 of them were killed in fighting and 1000 arrested. [Frankel, Jonathan. " [ Prophecy and Politics: Socialism, Nationalism, and the Russian Jews, 1862-1917] ". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. p. 154]

In 1907 a formal alliance between SERP and the PSR was signed. The alliance was however mainly the product of the relations between Zhitlowsky and Mark Ratner, and didn't have full support from the SERP grassroots. Many local SERP branches wanted unity with the Marxist groups rather than the PSR. [Frankel, Jonathan. " [ Prophecy and Politics: Socialism, Nationalism, and the Russian Jews, 1862-1917] ". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. p. 283]

In 1917 the party merged with the Zionist Socialist Workers Party, forming the United Jewish Socialist Workers Party. [Schatz, Jaff. "Jews and the communist movement in interwar Poland". In: Jonathan Frankel. " [ Dark Times, Dire Decisions: Jews and Communism. Studies in Contemporary Jewry.] " Oxford University Press US, 2005, p. 79.]


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