Sergei Nilus

Sergei Nilus

Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus (also Sergiei, Sergyei, Sergius, Serge; Russian: Сергей Александрович Нилус; august 25 1862 - january 14 1929) was a Russian religious writer and self-described mystic.

He was responsible for publishing for the first time "in full" "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in Russia in 1905. It appeared as the final chapter of his book "Velikoe v malom i antikhrist, kak blizkaja politicheskaja vozmozhnost. Zapiski pravoslavnogo" ("The Great within the Small and Antichrist, an Imminent Political Possibility. Notes of an Orthodox Believer"), about the coming of the Antichrist. An allegedly abridged version had been published in 1903 in the newspaper "Znamya".


The son of Alexander Petrovich Nilus, from a family of Swiss immigrants, Nilus was a landowner in the government of Orel. He studied law and graduated from the University of Moscow, and was a magistrate in Transcaucasia. He later moved to Biarritz, living there with a mistress named Natalya Komarovskaya until his estates went bankrupt and he broke off their relationship. Though he was raised in the Russian Orthodox faith, Nilus did not seem to care much about religion until an accident with his horse caused him to recall an unfulfilled childhood vow to visit the Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra. Later he met St. John of Kronstadt, whom he credited with healing a throat infection and turning him fully back to his native faith.

In 1901 or 1902, Nilus published his book "Velikoe v malom i antikhrist, kak blizkaja politicheskaja vozmozhnost. Zapiski pravoslavnogo" ("The Great within the Small and Antichrist, an Imminent Political Possibility. Notes of an Orthodox Believer"). The text of the "Protocols" appeared as Chapter Twelve of the 1905 edition of this book. A secret investigation ordered by the newly-appointed chairman of the Council of Ministers Pyotr Stolypin soon determined that the "Protocols" had first appeared in Paris in antisemitic circles around 18971898.

In 1906 Nilus married Yelena Alexandrovna Ozerova, who had served as a lady-in-waiting to Alexandra Feodorovna, last empress of Russia. In 1907, Nilus moved to Optina Monastery, where he lived until 1912. During this time he published several books on spiritual topics, including his most famous work (other than "Velikoe v malom"): "On the Bank of God's River", a portrait of his years at Optina and of the many Orthodox Starets living there. During this timeframe, Nilus was given the papers of Nikolay Motovilov, a Russian landowner and Fool for Christ who was a disciple of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Nilus published one of these manuscripts as "A Wonderful Revelation to the World: the Conversation of St. Seraphim with Nicholas Alexandrovich Motovilov on the acquisition of the Holy Spirit." [ [ St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral - St. Seraphim of Sarov: A Wonderful Revelation to the World ] at] This manuscript would become one of the most oft-read Orthodox texts of modern times. In 1912 a report was received by the Holy Synod that Nilus was living at the monastery with his wife (though the Niluses were not actually living within the monastery, but rather as guests in a small house nearby), and Nilus was ordered by the Synod to leave Optina.

Nilus circulated several editions of "the Protocols" in Russia as part of an antisemitic campaign. Though the early prints were in Russian, "the Protocols" were quickly spread to the rest of Europe by Russian expatriates after the 1917 revolution. Some of them claimed that they provided proof that the Jews were behind the Russian Revolution. Another expatriate Russian, Boris Brasol, brought them to the United States around 1920 where they became the core of Henry Ford's antisemitic program. By the time Nilus died, Europe had been saturated by millions of copies of "the Protocols".

Under the new Soviet government, Sergei Nilus was arrested and briefly imprisoned in 1924, 1925 and 1927. He died on January 14, 1929, after a heart attack.

In the USSR possession of Nilus' books was punished by up to 10 years of imprisonment, as "running anti-Soviet propaganda by keeping anti-Soviet literature".


* "'Velikoe v malom i antikhrist, kak blizkaia politicheskaia vozmozhnost.: Zapiski pravoslavnago. [Russian title romanized] : (TSarskoe Selo, Tip. TSarskoselskago Komiteta Krasnago Kresta, 1905) [imprint] : 2. izd. ispr. i dop. [edition] : 417 p. [description] : Prophecies [subject] : Protocoly sobran??ii S?ionskikh mudretsov: str. [chapter XII title romanized] : Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion [chpter XII title transliterated into English] : [325] -417(= 92 pages) [chapter XII pages]

:: Note: This is the title for which Nilus is most famousbut only for Chapter XII (12), which he did not even write.:::CATNYP [ [ The Research Libraries of The New York Public Library /All Locations ] at]
*Na beregu Bozhiei reki (On the Bank Of God's River):Reprinted by Orthodox Christian Books and Icons, San Francisco, Calif., 1969
*Holiness Under a Bushel
*The Power of God and the Weakness of Man
*The Optina Elder Theodosius
*The Wheat and the Tares:Published 1908 by Holy Trinity-St. Sergeius Lavra

See also

* Matvei Golovinski


*Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln: "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" (London: Jonathan Cape, 1982). ISBN 951-9107-41-X
*Michael Hagemeister: "Vladimir Solovev and Sergej Nilus: Apocalypticism and Judeophobia" in "Reconciler and Polemicist" (eds.) Wil van den Bercken, Manon de Courten, Evert van der Zweerde, and Vladimir Solovev (Leuven: Peeters, 2000), pp. 287-296. ISBN 90-429-0959-5

*Michael Hagemeister:"Sergei Nilus" in "Antisemitism. A Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution" vol. 2, pp. 508-510, ed. Richard E. Levy (Santa Barbara, CA.: ABC-Clio, 2005). ISBN 1-85109-439-3

External links

* [ Translation of an article by Count A. M. du Chayla]
* [ History of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion]
* [ Biography of Sergei Nilus and Bibliography of works by and about him (in German)]
* [ Favorable biography of Nilus]

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