

name = Teega

caption = Teega Web Browser running on Windows Vista
developer = OpenDoor
operating_system = Windows XP/Vista
genre = Web browser
latest_release_version =
latest_release_date = 2008
license = Open-Source
website = http://www.delamarepro.com/teega

Teega is a web browser that has been developed by OpenDoor Open-Source designs. It is built on the familiar Trident layout engine, which is used for Microsoft's Internet Explorer.


Teega Web Browser was created by Jack De La Mare and developed using Visual Basic programming code. The aim of the browser was to have users browsing the world wide web, without the worry of the browser automatically closing with errors. It is also to give users a quick web browser, that responds with ease.

Version 1.0

Teega Web Browser began production in March of 2008. The web browser was first released in March, build Many more builds were then created.

Future Releases

Version 2.0

There are many plans for future updates of the web browser. A main feature to be added for the next major release is a tab control. It is currently being developed and hopefully will be included in the next version of Teega. Another feature that has been built is a favourites option for the users to save a number of their favourite web pages in a list that they can access at any time.

ee also

* List of web browsers
* Comparison of web browsers

External links

* [http://www.delamarepro.com/teega Teega Web Browser Homepage]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/teegawebbrowser/ Teega Web Browser SourceForge Page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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