

A Gursikh is a Sikh fully devoted to the true Guru.Guru
gu means: darkness
ru means: light

"dispels the darkness of ignorance ('gu'), and proclaims enlightenment ('ru'). It is the application of the formula to make our life excellently balanced and successful." [ Excerpt from the book "LIVING REALITY - Questions and Answers about life, under the guidance of The Siri Guru Granth Sahib" by Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D ]


SikhLiterally "learner"The follower of true Guru who lives his life according to his teachingss.


"One who calls himself a Gursikh of the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name." [ Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Gauree on page 305 of Guru Granth Sahib.]

A Gursikh does not cut hair or trim beard. He does not take alcohol. He never bows before anyone other than Guru Granth Sahib. A Gursikh man can be identified as a person with unshorn hair, flowing beard and turban. A Gursikh may be Amritdhari or non Amritdhari, but must keep unshorn hair. He often visits Gurdwara Sahib. He is fond of doing sewa & simran.

Gursikhs are required to walk on the Guru's Path, as described by fourth master, Guru Ram Das:"gurasikh meeth chalahu gur chaalee"O Sikhs of the Guru, O friends, walk on the Guru's Path.Guru's path means the three concepts of Sikhism:

1) Naam Japna - Meditation on the Divine Name
2) Kirat Karna - Earning an honest living
3) Vand chhakna - Sharing your earnings with the needy

Life of a Gursikh

One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name. Upon arising early in the morning, he is to bathe, and cleanse himself in the pool of nectar. Following the Instructions of the Guru, he is to chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. All sins, misdeeds and negativity shall be erased. Then, at the rising of the sun, he is to sing Gurbani; whether sitting down or standing up, he is to meditate on the Lord's Name. One who meditates on my Lord, Har, Har, with every breath and every morsel of food - that GurSikh becomes pleasing to the Guru's Mind. That person, unto whom my Lord and Master is kind and compassionate - upon that GurSikh, the Guru's Teachings are bestowed. Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that GurSikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it.


ee also

*"An index of the most important articles on Sikhism can be found at the list of Sikhism-related topics."
*"Famous Sikhs can be found at the list of Prominent Sikhs."
*List of Gurudwaras
*Gurdwaras in Africa
*Gurdwaras in Asia excluding India, Pakistan
*Gurdwaras in Europe excluding UK
*Gurdwaras in India
*Gurdwaras in Pakistan
*Gurdwaras in Canada
*Sikh Festivals
*Anand Karaj

External links

* [ Gurbani Search Engine]
* [ Turban Styles]
* [ 300 Years of the Khalsa]
* [ Gursikh Matrimonials]

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