Shlomo Sand

Shlomo Sand

Shlomo Sand (born 10 September 1946) is Professor of History at Tel Aviv University in Israel. His book "Matai veech humtza haam hayehudi?" (When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?) was published in Hebrew in 2008.

Sand was born in Linz, Austria, to Polish Jewish survivors of the holocaust. He spent his early years in a displaced persons camp, and moved to Jaffa in 1948. Sand was expelled from high school at the age of sixteen, and only completed his bagrut following his military service. [ [ History as Film] , Shiur Hofshi (Free Period) no 67, June 2005, Israeli Teachers' Union (in Hebrew)] His military experience during and after the 1967 war radicalised him, and he joined Matzpen. [ [ Conversation with Shlomo Sand] , by Asaf Shor, Me'asef, 10 December 2004 (in Hebrew)] In 1975, Sand graduated with a BA in History from Tel Aviv University. From 1975 to 1985, he studied and taught in Paris, receiving an MA in French History, and a PhD for his [ thesis] on "George Sorel and Marxism". Since 1982, Sand has taught at Tel Aviv University as well as at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. His main areas of teaching are Cinema and History, French Intellectual History, and Nation and Nationalism. [ [ CV on Tel Aviv University website] ]


* "L'Illusion du politique: Georges Sorel et le débat intellectuel 1900" , Paris, La Découverte, 1984

* "Georges Sorel en son temps", with Jacques Julliard (eds), Paris, Seuil, 1985

* "Intellectuals, Truth and Power: From the Dreyfus Affair to the Gulf War", Tel Aviv, Am Oved, 2000 (in Hebrew)

* "Le XXe siècle à l' écran", Paris , Seuil, 2004also as "Film as HistoryImagining and Screening the Twentieth Century" , Tel Aviv, Am Oved & Open University Press, 2002 (in Hebrew)

* "Cinema and MemoryA Dangerous Relationship?", with Haim Bresheeth & Moshe Zimmerman (eds), Jerusalem , The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 2004 (in Hebrew)

* "Historians, Time and Imagination, From theAnnalesSchool to the Postzionist Assassin", Tel Aviv, Am Oved, 2004 (in Hebrew)
* "Les Mots et la terre - Les intellectuels en Israël", Paris, Fayard, 2006
* "When and How was the Jewish People Invented?", Tel Aviv, Resling, 2008 (in Hebrew) — also as "Comment le peuple juif fut inventé - De la Bible au sionisme", Paris, Fayard, 2008


External links

* [ Tel Aviv University homepage]
* [ Shattering a 'national mythology'] by Ofri Ilani, "Haaretz", 21 March 2008
* [ Zionist nationalist myth of enforced exile: Israel deliberately forgets its history] by Shlomo Sand, "Le Monde diplomatique", September 2008

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