- Snake-stones
Snake-stones also known as the viper's stone, black stone, the black stone, der schwarze Stein, la pierre noire, and la piedrita negracite web |author=Wereld-Missiehulp |title=BLACKSTONES |language=Dutch |url=http://www.wmhelp.be/anderediensten.htm
accessdate = 2007-03-06 ] or serpent-stone are animal bones, which are widely usedcite web |author=BBC News|title=Search for a snakebite cure |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4498779.stm |accessdate = 2007-03-06 ] and promotedas a treatment for snake bite in Africa, South America and Asia.cite web |author=Tagne, Jean-Bruno |title=Pierre noire : Cet aspirateur de venins / Black Stone: This vacuum cleaner of venoms |language=French |url=http://www.icicemac.com/edito/science.php3?nid=761 | accessdate = 2007-03-06 ] cite web |author=B. Adhisivam |title=Snakebite Envenomation in India: A Rural Medical Emergency |url=http://www.indianpediatrics.net/june2006/june-553-554.htm |accessdate = 2007-03-06 ] No scientific study is known which shows this remedy to be effective.Description of use
There are differing accounts of how to use a black stone. Dr. Linnea Smith reports that in Peru, "It [black stone] is to be applied to the site of a poisonous snakebite and tied firmly in place. It is left there for several days, during which time it supposedly draws the venom from the wound. Once the poison is all removed, the ‘stone’ loosens of its own accord and falls off."cite web |author=Dr. Linnea Smith |title=Piedra Negra |url=http://www.rwhc.com/eoh01/January.pdf |accessdate = 2007-03-07]
See also the personal account by user
Making a black stone
Although called a stone, it is made from animal bones. When taken from snakes, usually from the head but also said to be extracted from the tail as wellcite web |author=CongoForum |title=La pierre noire et son usage / The Black Stone and its use |language=French |url=http://www.congoforum.be/fr/congodetail.asp?subitem=40&id=10170&Congofiche=selected |accessdate=2007-03-06 ] cite book
last = Shuker
first = Karl P N
authorlink = Karl Shuker
title = Extraordinary Animals Revisited
publisher = CFZ Press
year = 2007]Views on snake-stones expressed in scientific studies
* A Nigerian study recommended "education on the need to avoid the use of popular first aid measures of doubtful benefit."cite web |author=JKA Madaki |title=Abstract: Clinical Presentation And Outcome Of Snake-Bite Patients At Zamko Comprehensive Health Centre, Langtang, Plateau State |url=http://www.ajol.info/viewarticle.php?jid=1&id=20883 |accessdate = 2007-03-08 ] However the same doctors reported a year later that Black Stone may be beneficial.
* A Bolivian medical study stated that "contrary to widespread belief, no efficacy to treatenvenomation may be expected of the BS" (black stone)"cite web |author=Chippaux JP |title=Abstract: Study of the efficacy of the black stone on envenomation by snake bite in the murine model. |url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=17174999 |accessdate = 2007-03-06 ]
* An Indian study stated that "unscientific methods like ‘black stone’ healing contribute to the delay in seeking appropriate medical care."
* A Nigerian study found that "... black stone appears to have beneficial effects by reducing the averageantivenom requirement of patients and more studies are needed ..."cite web |author=JKA Madaki |title=Abstract: Pattern of First-Aid Measures Used by Snake-bite Patients and Clinical Outcome at Zamko Comprehensive Health Centre, Langtang, Plateau State |url=http://www.ajol.info/viewarticle.php?jid=182&id=22857&layout=abstract |accessdate = 2007-03-07 ]Medical policy
International Labour Organization technical workshop stated that "Local medicine, for instance black stone for snake bites, should be provided to those working in the plantations."cite web |author=International Labour Office |title=Technical Workshop on Child Labour on Commercial Agriculture in Africa; Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania, 27-30 August 1996 |url=http://www.ilo.org/public/english/standards/ipec/publ/policy/papers/africa/part3.htm |accessdate = 2007-03-07 ]In Peru, Dr. Linnea Smith reports that "despite the fact that the state nursing course book admits that no evidence has ever been produced to document the effectiveness of the black stone, each student is required to make ... one ... as a part of the first aid module."
Arab writer Kazwini describes the snake stone as being the size of a small nut.Fact|date=March 2007 An injury inflected by a venomous creature is to be immersed in warm water or sour milk, the snake stone is then dropped into the liquid which immediately draws out the poison.
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