- European Cyclists' Federation
European Cyclists' Federation is an umbrella organisation for national
cycling organisations throughoutEurope .The ECF works to inform policy makers and the public about the potential and numerous positive effects of cycling for transport and pleasure.In doing so they run into many misconceptions about cycling which are widespread.
Full members
*ARGUS [http://www.argus.or.at] (
Austria )
*Fietsersbond [http://www.fietsersbond.be] (Belgium )
*Fietsersbond [http://www.fietsersbond.nl] (Netherlands )
*GRACQ [http://www.gracq.org] (Belgium)
*UdrugaBICIKL [http://www.bicikl.hr] (Croatia )
*Dansk Cyklist Forbund (DCF) [http://www.dcf.dk] (Denmark )
*Vänta Aga [http://www.bicycle.ee] (Estonia )
*HePo (Helsingin Polkupyöräilijät) [http://gamma.nic.fi/~hepo/]Finland )
*AF3V [http://www.af3v.org] (Association Française des Véloroutes et Voies Vertes,France )
*FUBicy [http://www.fubicy.org] (Fédération Française des Usagers de la Bicyclette, France)
*ADFC [http://www.adfc.de] (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad Club,Germany )
*Filoi tou podèlatou [http://www.filoi.eie.gr] (Friends of the Bicycle,Greece )
*Magyar Kerékpárosklub [http://kerekparosklub.hu/] (Hungarian Cyclists' Club,Hungary )
*LHM [http://hjol.org] (Landssamtök hjólreiðamanna - Icelandic Cyclists' Federation,Iceland )
*Dublin Cycling Campaign [http://home.connect.ie/dcc] (Ireland )
*FIAB [http://www.fiab-onlus.it] (Federazione Italiana Amici della Bicicletta)
*Latvijas Velocelojumu Informacijas Centre [http://www.velokurjers.lv] (Latvia )
*Lithuanian Cyclists' Community [http://www.bicycle.lt] (Lithuania )
*LVI [http://www.lvi.lu] (Lëtzebuerger Velos-Initiativ)
*Cycling Touring Club Malta (Malta )
*SLF [http://www.slf.no] (Syklistenes Landsforening,Norway )
*FPCUB [http://www.fpcubicicleta.com] (Federação Portuguesa Cicloturismo e Utilizadores de Bicicleta,Portugal )
*CCN [http://www.ccn.ro] (Clubul de Cicloturism Napoca,Romania )
*Russian Cycle Touring Club [http://www.rctc.ru] (Russia )
*Yugo Cycling Campaign [http://bicikl.info.yu] (Serbia and Montenegro )
*Slovenský Cykloklub (Slovakia )
*Slovenska Kolesarska mreza [http://www.kolesarji.org] (Slovenia n Cyclists´ Network)
*ConBici [http://www.conbici.org] (Spain )
*CCUB [http://www.ccub.org] (Coordinadora Catalana d'Usuaris de la Bicicleta, Spain)
*Cykelfrämjandet [http://www.cykelframjandet.se] (Sweden )
*IG Velo Schweiz [http://www.igvelo.ch] (Switzerland )
*Bisiklet Sevenler Derneği [http://www.bisikletdunyasi.net] (Turkey )
*CCN [http://www.cyclenetwork.org.uk] (Cycle Campaign Network,United Kingdom )
*CTC (Cyclists' Touring Club, United Kingdom)Supporting members and sponsors
Japan Bicycle Promotion Institute [http://www.jbpi.or.jp] (Japan )Associate members
Bicycle Federation of Australia (Australia )
*AEVV - EGWA, European Greenways Association [http://aevv-egwa.org] (Belgium )
*Pro Velo asbl [http://www.provelo.org] (Belgium )
*T & E, the European Federation for Transport and Environment [http://www.t-e.nu] (Belgium )
*Velo Québec [http://www.velo.qc.ca] (Canada )
*Idéværkstedet De Frie Fugle [http://www.friefugle.dk] (Denmark )
*I-ce [http://www.i-ce.info] (Interface for Cycling Expertise, (Netherlands )
*FIS [http://www.fietskaartinformatiestichting.nl] (Fietskaart Informatie Stichting,Netherlands )
*VCS / ATE [http://www.verkehrsclub.ch] (Switzerland )
*Sustrans (Head Office) (United Kingdom )
*Svensk Cycling [http://www.svenskcykling.se] An organization of cycle manufacturers, importers and bicycle dealers (Sweden )
*Thunderhead Alliance [http://www.thunderheadalliance.org] (USA )External links
* [http://www.ecf.com www.ecf.com] The ECF website
* The [http://velo.info Velo.Info] provides info, much of it science-based, on cycling for transport.
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