Minako Seki

Minako Seki

Minako Seki, born in Nagasaki, Japan, belongs to the third generation of "Butoh" Dancers.

Since 1985 she danced in Tokyo with the company “DanceLoveMachine”, with whom she went to Europe in 1986 at the invitation of the Berlin Künstlerhaus Bethanien. She stayed in Berlin and in 1987 became co-founder of "tatoeba - TÉÂTRE DANSE GROTESQUE", the first Japanese-German "butoh" ensemble. She further develops the style of this group, which amongst other characteristics focuses on the sleeping potentials in human beings, in 45 productions as a dancer, choreographer and director. Since 1988 composer Zam Johnson has musically supported her.


Since 1996 she has focused more on her work as a director and choreographer where she has continuously been looking for the friction in crossing art disciplines. For example, she choreographed the opera "Endlösung" by Peter Michael Hamel, and worked with the projections designer and light painter Gustav Gisiger.


She is also involved in intensive teaching. Since 1990 she has been teaching at the “tanzfabrik Berlin” and since 1992 at the “teatret cantabile 2” in Denmark. Besides these she has organised her own "butoh" programs. She gaves workshops in 2005 in Santiago de Chile, Berlin, New York and San Francisco.


Next to the showings of her recent pieces "Ex Oriente Lux", noisY garden, "Schicht" (Layer), Dancing Between and Dancefondue, she has started in 2004 the Butoh-Performance-Series Zoom In.

In April 2005 Minako and her ensemble had a successful premiere with the piece Borderless Split Brain in Berlin, which is sponsored by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

Also she was 2005 on tour with her solo piece "Dancing Between" in Chile and USA.Springtime 2006 she and her company is invited to Japan for the German Year “Germany in Japan 2005/2006”.


When inside of you a hungry parasitemakes itself noticed by its greedy smacking,living from your memories,then feed it with your body as welluntil constantly growingit has devoured all of you.Then let it dance.That is all.


I see many points that are connecting into a circle. These points are spaces, feelings, memories, images and imaginations.In between these points there are other points, endlessly.With my dance I want to find the moments in between these points.That is offering endless possibilities to my dance.

External links

* [http://www.minakoseki.com "Minakoseki"]

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