Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy

Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy

Infobox University
name = Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy (KNAME)
latin_name =

motto =
established = 1922 (1922)
endowment =
chancellor = rector Prof. L.N.Shutenko
vice_chancellor =
city = Kharkiv
country = Ukraine
students = 20,000 (2008)
undergrad =
postgrad =
colours =
type =
website =

History of the Kharkov national academy of municipal economy

1922 year.Allukrainian Tekhnikum of Communal Economy (ATCE)

1924 year.Evening working Tekhnikum of national economy (EWTNE). Faculty of communal economy.

1929 year.Kharkov Institute of National Economy. Communal faculty.

1930 year.Kharkov institute of communal economy (KICE).

1935 year.Kharkov educational combine of communal economy (KECCE).

In composition KHUKKKH is the Kharkov institute of communal economy (KHICE) and Tekhnikum of green building (TGB).

1938 year.Kharkov institute of communal building (KHICB)

1941 year.The Educational combine of communal economy is abolished.

Kharkov institute of engineers of communal building and Tekhnikum of green building selected in separate educational establishments.

Name of Institute of higher "Kharkov institute of engineers of communal building" (KHIIKS) existed to 1989 year.

1989 year.Kharkov institute of engineers of municipal economy

1994 year.Kharkov state academy of municipal economy

2003 year.
Kharkov national academy of municipal economy

'Detail about history of KNAME you can read on [ official site KNAME] '

Structure of KNAME


The Kharkov lyceum of municipal economy is engaged in preparation of future students for an academy.

A lyceum is founded in 1995 on initiative of Shutenko Leonid Nickolaevitch - rector KHAME, professor, doctor of engineerings sciences, academician of Academy of building of Ukraine, deserved worker of folk formation of USSR, chairman of advice of rectors of higher educational establishments.

In a lyceum 233 students study 9-11 classes. There is a branch in Novoy Vodolage on a base School №2.

Preparatory courses

Dwelling-communal tekhnikum

In central part of Kharkov in the picturesque corner of Zhuravlevki is Dwelling-communal tekhnikum of the Kharkov national academy of municipal economy. Main task of tekhnikuma today is preparation of highly skilled specialists on certain specialities, grants by him necessary knowledges, skills and abilities to work in the conditions of market relations, education of creative personality. Today a place, role and functions of specialists of middle link, changes in Ukraine, requirements rise to their competence, competitiveness. In nastoyaschee tekhnikum has a license to a right for realization of educational activity for to a 1 level of accreditation on specialities: "Green building and garden-park economy", "Industrial floriculture", "record-keeping", "Organization of service is in hotels", "Commercial activity".

Electromechanics tekhnikum

In 1997 tekhnikum was included the order of Department of education in the complement of the Kharkov state academy of municipal economy on rights for structural subdivision and presently has the complete name - Electromechanics tekhnikum of the Kharkov national academy of municipal economy.

Faculties of KNAME

An academy consists of 9 faculties, 30 departments.

** Department of the architectural and landscape planning
** Department of the architectural monitoring of city environment
** Department of town-planning
** Department of mechanics of soils, foundations and engineering geology
** Department of warmlycoldsupply
** Department of engineering and computer graphic arts
* Faculty of engineering ecology of cities

** Department of exploitation of the gas and thermal systems
** Department of higher mathematics
** Department of chemistry
** Department of engineering ecology of cities
** Department of water-supply, overflow-pipe and cleaning of waters
* Faculty of electric transport

** Department of theoretical and build mechanics
** Department of safety of vital functions
** Department of history and kul'turologii
** Department of physics
** Department of electric transport
* Faculty of power supply and illumination of cities

** Department of power supply of cities
** Department of lightning technology and sources of light
** Department of the electrical engineering
** Department of fizvospitaniya and sport
** Department of philosophy and political science
* Faculty of economy and enterprise

** Department of building economy
** Department of city and regional economy
** Department of account and audit
** Department of economic theory
** Department of the applied mathematics and information technologies
** Department of the legal providing of economic activity
* Faculty of poslediplomnogo education

** Gives educational services on daily, zaochnoy, distance teaching forms and eksternatom for to 13 specialities.
* Faculty of extra-mural education

** The faculty of the extra-mural teaching prepares specialists educationally qualifying levels bachelor, specialist, without tearing away from a production on such specialities:

** Account and audit
** Economy of enterprises of municipal economy
** Economy of building enterprises
** Management of organizations of municipal economy
** Management of organizations of building
** Management of hotel, resort and tourist service
** Electric transport
** Electrical engineerings systems of electro-consumption
** Lightning technology and sources of light
** City building and economy
** Industrial and civil building
** Technical service, repair and reconstruction of buildings
** Teplogazosnabzhenie and ventilation
** Water-supply and overflow-pipe
** Ecology, guard of environment and balanced prirodopol'zovanie
** Transport systems
** Geographic information systems and technologies
* Management faculty

** A management faculty prepares specialists educationally qualifying levels bachelor, specialist, on the followings directions:
** Mendzhment (Logistic, Management of organization)
** Tourism (Hotel economy)
** Transport technologies (Transport systems, organization of transportations and management on a transport, organization and regulerovka of travelling motion)
*Faculty of in-plant training and retraining of leading shots and specialists of ZKH

** A faculty promotes qualification of specialists of zhilischno-kommunal'nogo economy on such directions:
** Ways of reformation of zhilischno-kommunal'nogo economy
** Features of creation and providing of the effective functioning of associations of joint owners of apartment houses are in the modern terms of ZKH
** Organization of tourist and hotel business
** Pressing questions and modern ways of providing energy- and resursozberezhennya on enterprises and in organizations of zhilischno-kommunal'nogo economy
** New technologies of disinfestation of drinking-water and flow waters
** Ways of cutback of the technological spending of drinking-water on the enterprises of plumbing-sewage economy. Preparation to bringing in of of a particular branch technological norms of the use of water
** Pressing questions of utilization of wastes and providing of effective activity of enterprises of the sanitary cleaning
** Choice and forming of effective control system ZHKKH of city, district, as foreground job of local authorities
** Features of forming of institute of management dwelling-houses and creation of companies of customers of zhilischno-kommunal'nykh services
** Estimate business is in a build production
** Technical service, repair and reconstruction of buildings
* Faculty on work with foreign students

** Department of the Ukrainian and Russian languages
** Department of the Ukrainian and Russian languages as foreign


Museum complex


In times of the existence the Museum complex of the Kharkov national academy of municipal economy became inalienable part in the structure of educational establishment, by popular cultural-elucidative Center of academy, excursions, evenings, exhibitions and the programs of which cause unchanging interest. History of becoming and development of the Museum complex is indissolubly related to history of one of the eldest in Ukraine Institutes of higher. The Kharkov national academy of municipal economy is founded in 1922 a year.An academy prepares shots for a management the processes of development of vital functions of cities, conducts preparation of engineers on the complex of specialities which engulf all spheres of functioning of modern megapolisa.

During all activity KNAME by surprising appearance always was related to museum and exhibition activity. The idea of creation of museum complex in KHIIKS (now KNAME) in 1939 belonged to the academician of architecture A.N.Beketov, to the prominent Ukrainian architect.Beketov taught on the architectural faculty of KHIIKsa with 1935 for 1941 Master perfectly understood the great value of museum legacy in forming and becoming of well-educated personality. Unfortunately, this interesting project was not carried out in connection with beginning of Great Patriotic war. Many years will pass, before the idea of creation of museum in an academy will be carried out really. Due to efforts of enthusiasts of educational establishment, the inauguration of «Museum of history of KHIIKS took place in 1967».

In 2001 a year the museum of academy was got by status of «museum complex»

A few independent museums entered in the structure of the "Museum complex KNAME":

- Museum of history of the Kharkov national academy of municipal economy. (Founded in 1967)

- Museum of academician of architecture A.N.Beketova. (Founded in 1990)

- Museum of the Ukrainian writer S.V. Pilipenko. (Founded in 1996)

- Exhibition of sculptures «Poetry in the bronze» of Mirtaly Pilipenko. (Founded in 1996)

- A regional exhibition is «Old Kharkov». (Founded in 1994)

- An artistic show-room is opening «Day». (Founded in 1994)

- Artistic gallery of modern graphic art of Slobozhanschiny. (Founded in 2003)

- A magazine is «Almanac of museum». (Founded in 2000)

In the Museum complex academies are passed by excursions, meetings with the known art critics, researchers of a particular region, various thematic and artistic exhibitions, chamber musical and poetic evenings, meetings with interesting people. The days of the archived information, traditional museum round and nauchno-prakticheskie conferences table, are conducted, «Beketovskie of reading»,«Pilipenkovskie of reading and literary evenings», Days of memory, memorial exhibitions and measures. Large attention is spared the educational programs and projects. A museum complex became inalienable part of cultural life of academy. Combining activity of technical institute of higher with the world of art and history, a museum the same extends possibilities of faculty advisors of academy on business of education of young intelligentsia.

Center Megapolis

Informative resources of academy

Corporate informative system

Korporate informative system KHNAGKH is the most essential innovative project of academy, built with the use of modern information technologies and software products. By the corporate informative system students can decide the whole circle of problems, smyazannykh with an educational process.From local workplaces or from a network students can find the Internet or obtain information about the workings plans in times of teaching, curriculum of employments on any moment of time and balance of expenses on payment for teaching and dormitory and to decide many other «technical» questions.

Portal of the controlled from distance teaching

Digital repozitoriy



Information on a site KNAME

* [ Official site]
* [http:// History of Academy]
* [http:// Information for actings]
* [http:// Center Megapolis]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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