

The Gespenst is a fictional robot in the Super Robot Wars series. The name Gespenst is German for "Spectre". Along with the Cybuster, the Gespenst is one of the most widely used robots in the series. It has appeared as a playable unit in , Battle Dodgeball 2, Super Robot Wars 4, Super Robot Wars F, Super Robot Wars F Final, the Super Robot Wars Alpha series, the series, and Another Century's Episode (produced by Banpresto and From Software). It has also made appearances in Super Robot Wars Advance, Super Robot Wars Impact.


The Gespenst has a very humanoid appearance. Its most prominent features are its wide, flared shoulders, long, back-curving antenna on either side of its head, and the three "stakes" mounted on the left arm of the machine. The Gespenst Mk-II is the only unit to sport a variety of colors, where blue is predominantly the color used.

Technical And Historical

In the Super Robot Wars series, the Gespenst is designed and used as a cheap, mass production unit (similar to the RGM-79 GM in the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise), although there have been several variants rolled out from the production line that are on par with other real robots. The first Gespenst appeared in Hero Senki: Project Olympus, in the form of a battle armor, rather than as a full-scale mech. This Gespenst was used by Gilliam Yeager, while part of the player's party, but eventually becomes the party's enemy. Through a merging with the System XN, Gilliam's Gespenst becomes the PTX-001XNG XN Geist. This Gespenst armor and Gilliam return in "Battle Dodgeball 2", where he joins Fighter Roar, Emi and the Dark Brain as the God Factory Team.

In the Classic Timeline, either the PTX-001 Gespenst Type-R or the PTX-002 Gespenst Type-S will be the main character's starting mech in Super Robot Wars 4 or Super Robot Wars F. In Super Robot Wars F or Super Robot Wars F Final, the player will later receive the PTX-007-1 Gespenst MK II Type-R or the PTX-007-2 Gespenst MK II Type-S. Gilliam returns as a non-playable character, piloting a Gespenst MK II Type-R in both Super Robot Wars F and Super Robot Wars F Final.

In the Alpha timeline, the Gespenst is mentioned during an intermission in Super Robot Wars Alpha, where the factory that was used to manufacture the RPT-007 Gespenst MK II M was destroyed by Aerogater forces. In Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden, a group of Gespenst MK II Ms make an appearance during a certain scenario. In Another Century's Episode, Gespenst MK II M is a player usable-mecha.

In Super Robot Wars Advance, the RPT-010 Gespenst MK II M is the basic mass production unit used by the Shadow-Mirror faction, though in the Advance universe they enter into, the Gespenst is overshadowed by the Dragoon units of Metal Armor Dragonar. The Gespenst MK II Ms of the Shadow-Mirror look exactly like the RPT-007 Gespenst MK II M, and uses the same armament as the Gespenst MK II Type-R, but given flight capability.

In Super Robot Wars Impact and Super Robot Wars Compact 2, the main original mecha are the PTX-003C Alt Eisen, intended to be the Gespenst MK III, and the PTX-007-3C Weiß Ritter , a customized Gespenst MK II.

In Super Robot Wars MX, Gespensts appear in a flashback.

In the Original Generation timeline, the Gespenst is the primary production line of mechs for the Earth Federation Army. In this timeline, the amalgamation of all previous Gespensts in previous timelines make an appearance, except the XN Geist. Also, the RPT-007-TT Gespenst MK II TT makes its debut in Original Generation, as well as the PTX-003 Gespenst Type-T and the PTX-007-3 Gespenst MK II Type-T. However, by , the Gespenst has been replaced by the Huckebein MK II M as the basic mass production unit, although the Gespenst is still in use by some pilots. Likewise, in Original Generation 2, the Shadow-Mirror makes use of the Gespenst as a mass production model, before replacing it with their own line of machines. In Super Robot Wars Original Generations, the PTX-001RV Gespenst Type-RV appears, with Gilliam Yeager at the helm of the machine. Super Robot Wars Original Generation Gaiden reveals the new RPT-007 Gespenst MK II M Custom.


XN Geist Specifications

Gilliam Yeager's personal Gespenst unit, after fusing with the System XN, becomes the XN Geist. This machine loses its humanoid shape, and evolves into a monstrous machine. For every battle Gilliam participates in with the XN Geist, it keeps growing and learning, discarding its weaknesses and obtaining more strength. However, the XN Geist would be defeated and the machine destroyed.

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Weapons Systems:

*Concentrated Laser

*Panzer Missile

*Mega Particle Cannon


PTX-001 Gespenst Type-R Specifications

The first humanoid mobile weapon and the first in the Personal Trooper line. The Type-R (where the "R" stands for "Rapidity") focuses on high mobility and speed, although armor is sacrificed for its movement capabilities. Since it was the first in the Gespenst line, the Type-R would heavily influence future Gespensts and Personal Troopers created after it.

Height: 21.2 meters

Weight: 75.2 tons

Weapons Systems:
*Split Missile
"Standard missiles used for long range attacks. The Split Missile is a pod mounted on the back of the Gespenst which when fired, splits open to reveal a number of submunitions that strike the target."

*Plasma Cutter
"A standard energy blade used for melee combat. The Gespenst carries three in the buckler on its left forearm."

*Neutron Beam
"A handheld rifle that shoots powerful neutron blasts long-range engagements."

PTX-002 Gespenst Type-S Specifications

The first humanoid mobile weapon and the first in the Personal Trooper line. The Type-S (where the "S" stands for "Strength") focuses on melee combat, with increased armor and equipped with high-powered weapons, but yields less speed and mobility compared to the Type-R. Since it was the first in the Gespenst line, the Type-S would heavily influence future Gespensts and Personal Troopers created after it, as well as a model for the Grungust series of super robots.

Height: 21.2 meters

Weight: 72.4 tons

Weapons Systems:
*Split Missile
"Standard missiles used for long range attacks."

*Plasma Cutter
"A standard energy blade used for melee combat."

*Blaster Beam
"A high-powered, short-range beam shot from the chest of the Gespenst Type-S. Similar to the Grungust's Final Beam attack."

PTX-003 Gespenst Type-T Specifications

In the Original Generation timeline, this was the third machine to be rolled out in the original Gespenst production line. The Type-T (where "T" stands for "Test") was intended to be used for extensive testing purposes. However, due to a form of production error, this particular Gespenst would be labelled "defective", though it would not be put to waste. Dr. Marion Radom would see to it that this Gespenst would become the basis for the Gespenst MK III design, and had it placed in the production of the would-be ATX Team's line-up of mecha.

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Weapons Systems:

*This Gespenst never made it off the production line, thus no information on its intended use is available.

PTX-003C Alt Eisen Specifications

PTX-007-1 Gespenst MK II Type-R Specifications

An improved version of the Gespenst Type-R. This model further enhances the unit's mobility, and its weapon systems are slightly different and more powerful.

Height: 21.2 meters

Weight: 72.4 tons

Weapons Systems:
*Split Missile
"Standard missiles used for long range attacks."

*Neo Plasma Cutter
"An improved version of the Plasma Cutter."

*Mega Beam Rifle
"A high powered medium-to-long range beam rifle. Though not as powerful as the earlier Neutron Beam rifle, the Mega Beam Rifle is more versatile."

*Slash Ripper
"A mid-range remote weapon, consisting of 3 pods with spinning blades, used to cut through the enemy's armor. The pods explode for further damage after cutting into the target."

PTX-007-2 Gespenst MK II Type-S Specifications

An improved version of the Gespenst Type-S. This model shares the same weapons systems, albeit enhanced for greater combative capabilities.

Height: 21.2 meters

Weight: 72.4 tons

Weapons Systems:

*Split Missile
"Standard missiles used for long range attacks."

*Neo Plasma Cutter
"An improved version of the Plasma Cutter."

*Mega Blaster Beam
"An ungraded version of the Blaster Beam, with an increase in its damage ratio."

*Gespenst Kick
"A powerful melee attack, the Gespenst jumps high into the air and lands on the target with a powerful kick"

PTX-007-3 Gespenst MK II Type-T Specifications

In the Original Generation timeline, this was the third machine to be rolled out in the original Gespenst MK II production line. The Type-T (where "T" stands for "Test") was intended to be used for extensive testing purposes. However, Dr. Marion Radom would see to it that this Gespenst would become the basis for a new mass-produced Gespenst, used in long-range bombardments, and had it placed in the production of the would-be ATX Team's line-up of mecha.

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Weapons Systems:

*This Gespenst never made it off the production line, thus no information on its intended use is available.

PTX-007-3C Weiss Ritter Specifications

RPT-007 Gespenst MK II M Specifications

The mass production version of the Gespenst, derived directly from the Gespenst MK II Type-R. It shares the same capabilities, but is toned down in mobility and armor, in order to help keep production costs low. The only visual difference from the Gespenst MK II Type-R are its grey shoulder vents. A large number of the Gespenst MK II Ms were produced, most of which would be customized by their pilots.

Height: 21.2 meters

Weight: 69.1 tons

Weapons Systems:

*Split Missile
"Standard missiles used for long range attacks."

*Neo Plasma Cutter
"A standard energy blade for melee combat. An improved version of the Plasma Cutter."

*Jet Magnum
"The three "Plasma Stakes" mounted on the left arm are energized. The Gespenst MK II M charges at the enemy and delivers a hard tackle, knocking the enemy back. It grabs a hold on the enemy and discharges its stored energy against the target for high-end damage. The Gespenst accelerates away, as the enemy explodes from the attack."

RPT-007TT Gespenst MK II TT Specifications

A variant of the Gespenst MK II M, the Gespenst MK II TT (where the "TT" stands for "T-Link Type") is designed with a T-Link System, installed for a Psychodriver pilot to utilize. Only three models were created, and they would be handed down to SRX Team members Ryusei Date and Aya Kobayashi to use, while Brooklyn Luckfield of the ATX Team would use the third one, during the Divine Crusaders War. One of the surviving models would be handed down to Rio Mei Long for her use during the L5 Campaign.

Height: 21.2 meters

Weight: 72.4 tons

Weapons Systems:

*Split Missile
"Standard missiles used for long range attacks."

*Plasma Cutter
"A standard energy blade used for melee combat."

*Mega Beam Rifle
"A high powered medium-to-long range beam rifle. Though not as powerful as the earlier Neutron Beam rifle, the Mega Beam Rifle is more versatile."

*T-Link Ripper
"A version of the Slash Ripper that is powered by telekinesis, through the use of the T-Link System."

PTX-001RV Gespenst Type-RV Specifications

What the "RV" stands for is currently unknown. What is known is that the Gespenst Type-RV is Gilliam Yeager's original Gespenst, used during Hero Senki: Project Olympus. Under Gilliam's guidance and using Mao Industries' latest technology, along with some suggestions from Kai Kitamura, this Gespenst is remodelled from top to bottom, boasting performance that's comparable to the latest real robots. A large flight unit, equipped with a Tesla Drive, is placed on the back, giving it top-level mobility. A Mega Buster Cannon, a high-powered beam cannon, is added to its surface armament.

Height: 22.8 Meters

Weight: 75.9 Tons

Weapons Systems:

*Split Missile
"Standard missiles used for long range attacks."

*Mega Plasma Cutter
"A standard energy blade used for melee combat. It's stored in the center of the three stakes on the units left arm."

*Vampire Laser
"The RV extends its flight pack, rockets forward, then fires a purpleish-pink laser beam that both damages the enemy and steals its energy."

*Mega Buster Cannon
"The RV pulls out a large rifle that it needs to hold with both hands. It then proceeds to extend its flight pack, fly into the air, and then fires a massive blue laser beam that pierces multiple enemies."

RPT-007 Gespenst MK II M Custom Specifications

The personal, customized unit to Kai Kitamura's existing Gespenst MK II M, this Personal Trooper was developed for the Halloween Plan. Equipped with a Tesla Drive for flight, Plasma Generator, and a pair of Plasma Bucklers that replaces the Plasma Stakes, this machine greatly excels in close-range combat, and built to the specifications for Kai, which goes greatly with his fighting style. A few of these units would also be handed down to members of the Cry Wolves squadron, along with a handheld F2W Cannon, for long-range, enemy bombardment.

Height: 21.9 meters

Weight: 78.5 tons

Weapons Systems:

*Split Missile
"Standard missiles used for long range attacks."

*Jet Magnum S
"An attack exclusively for Kai Kitamura, the Plasma Buckler mounted on the left arm is energized. Kai charges at the enemy and delivers a hard tackle, then rush towards it and proceeds to hammer the target away with multiple jabs and punches, before kneeing the unit into the air, then slamming it back down to the ground with an overhead grapple maneuver. As the enemy bounces off the ground and ascends, Kai gives chase and discharges the stored Plasma Buckler energy against its target and breaks away from the attack, as the enemy explodes."

*F2W Cannon
"This weapon fires normal beam rounds and cannon shots. The Gespenst MK II M Custom takes out the F2W Cannon and proceeds to pelt its target with a few beam shots, while firing off two pods of Split Missiles, at the same time. With the enemy stunned by the incoming shots and missiles, the Gespenst switches the weapon into its configuration to a long-range beam cannon and charges it up. Once done, a solid wave of energy is fired at the enemy, with a shout of "Discharge!". The target is destroyed, and the cannon folds back into its original position."

*Jet Phantom
"Charging both Plasma Bucklers, Kai flies headlong to its target, and executes a acrobatic leg drop that momentarily stuns the enemy. The Gespenst MK II M Custom begins to vent plasma energy from its Plasma Generator, and as the energy builds up on the Plasma Bucklers, Kai begins to pummel its target, finally sending it away. With the energy at maximum, Kai delivers a punch with the Plasma Bucklers straight through the enemy. The amount of electrical energy from the discharge is so great, that the enemy crashes to the ground and explodes."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Gespenst — Sn std. (9. Jh.), mhd. gespenst, gespanst f., gespenste n. Lockung, Trugbild, Gespenst , ahd. gispensti f., gispanst, as. gispensti Verlockung Stammwort. Verbalabstraktum zu ahd. spanan Vst. verlocken ; also zunächst von verlockenden… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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