Plasmodium gemini

Plasmodium gemini

"Plasmodium gemini" is a parasite of the genus "Plasmodium".

Like all "Plasmodium" species "P. gemini" has both vertebrate and insect hosts. The vertebrate hosts for this parasite are reptiles.

color = khaki
name = "Plasmodium gemini"
image_caption =

image_width =
regnum = Protista
phylum = Apicomplexa
classis = Aconoidasida
ordo = Haemosporida
familia = Plasmodiidae
genus = "Plasmodium"
species = "P. gemini"
binomial = "Plasmodium gemini"


The parasite was first described by Perkins and Austin in 2008. Perkins S.L., Austin C. (2008) Four new species of "Plasmodium" from New Guinea lizards: Integrating morphology and molecules. J. Parasitol. ]

Geographical occurrence

This species is found in New Guinea.

Clinical features and host pathology


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