- Bardera polytechnic
Bardera Polytechnic is a private, tertiary education centre located inBaardheere Soomaaliya. The full name of this college is Bardera Polytechnic University (BPU).BPU was founded on July 2008. This college was established to cover the highier education needs of the Bardera area community, which has been growing since the start of the 1990s decade.
Over the years, there has been a few health and language training schools in Bardera (Baardheere: Somali). But none offered structured curriculum. Bardera Polytechnic offers one to three year study programs. Certificate and diplomas are granted at Bardera Polytechnic. Eversince the collapse of the education system of
Somalia ,HIRDA , an NGO based in Bardera andWidsom College of Languages have nartured the student population of Bardera.Currently, the initial phase programs at BPU include:
Public Health Sciences
# Agricultural Sciences
#Livestock andForestery Management
#Computer Sciences
# Business and Management
# School of Languages
#Arabic andIslamic Sharia In addition, the school has two collaborating centers dealing with Adult Continuing Education Centre and Public (government) Services Training Services Center.
Initial enrollment was limited to 80 students who have either completed high school in previous years and or those who are mature adults who have had work experience relating to their interested field of study. Some 30 students for continuing education were registered at the beginning of 2008-2009 school year as well.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.