Friedrich Schauta

Friedrich Schauta

Friedrich Schauta (July 15, 1849 - January 10, 1919) was an Austrian surgeon and gynecologist who was a native of Vienna.

In 1874 he received his medical doctorate at the University of Vienna, and following graduation remained in Vienna as an assistant at the surgical clinic of Johann von Dumreicher (1815-1880). From 1876 to 1881 Schauta worked under Joseph Späth (1823-1896) at the latter's clinic of obstetrics and gynecology. In 1881 he became habilitated for OB/GYN at Vienna, and subsequently relocated to the University of Innsbruck, where in 1884 he became a full professor. Three years later he succeeded August Breisky (1832-1889) in Prague, and in 1891 returned to Vienna as a successor to Carl Braun (1822-1891) as chair at the first department of gynecology and obstetrics.

Schauta is remembered for introducing an operation for uterine cancer in which the uterus and ovaries are removed by way of the vagina. With Rudolf Chrobak (1843-1910), he planned and managed the construction of a new hospital department for gynecology in Vienna. He published numerous articles in the fields of gynecology and obstetrics, two of his better known books being "Grundriss der operative Geburtshilfe" (Outline for Operative Obstetrics) and "Lehrbuch der gesammten Gynäkologie" (Textbook of Complete Gynecology).
* Associated eponyms:
* "Schauta's operation": Surgical removal of the uterus and the adnexa (ovaries and oviducts).
* "Schauta-Stoeckel operation": Vaginal radical hysterectomy for early stages of uterine cancer. Named with German gynecologist Walter Stoeckel (1871-1961).


* [ "Friedrich Schauta"] @ Who Named It
* [;internal&action=_setlanguage.action?LANGUAGE=en AEIOU, Biographical Information]

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