Peter Mokaba

Peter Mokaba

Peter Mokaba (born 7 January 1959 near Pietersburg, died in Johannesburg on 9 June 1999) was a member of the South African parliament, deputy minister in the government of Nelson Mandela and president of the South African governming party's youth wing, the ANC Youth League. The Polokwane (formerly Pietersburg) stadium for the Football World Cup 2010 was named after him.

Mokaba was active in the struggle against Apartheid but became known in the 1990s for his possible invention and frequent use of the slogal "Kill the boer, kill the farmer" which remains popular among those inciting violence against the Afrikaner minority of the country. He was a confidant of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, the former wife of Nelson Mandela. At the time of his death, he had been appointed to head the ANC electoral campaign in 2004 and his funeral was attended by former presidents Thabo Mbeki and Nelson Mandela as well as former deputy-president Jacob Zuma. Crowds are reported to have chanted "Kill the boer, kill the farmer!" as his coffin entered the stadium.

Up to his death, from "respiratory problems" at the age of 40, Peter Mokaba was an AIDS denialist.

= Sources =

[ Hambe Kahle Peter Mokaba] , Mail& Guardian, 2002

[ MNR. PETER MOKABA, ANC-LP, destyds leier] , Die Burger, 2002 (in Afrikaans)

[ Peter Mokaba biography on the website of the ANC]

[ Auto-biography of Mokaba on the ANC website]

[ Aids dissident Peter Mokaba dies]

[ Obituary of Peter Mokaba] in The Independent

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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