

Camoapa is a municipality in the Boaco department of Nicaragua.

Camoapa city is the capital of the municipality. Though is a small town (founded on August 23, 1858). It was raised to the title of city on March 2nd 1926 more than eighty years ago. Its population is 40,700 (2006, est.) and its territory extension 1,483.29 Km² the area is about 540mts above the sea level. Camoapa is located 114 km. from Managua.

Its population is prominently rural 67% versus 33% living in urban areas.

The economy is based mainly on agriculture and the cattle industry (cattle raising, trading and dairy). Camoapa is the largest cattle producing region in Nicaragua. Other local industry is leather handcrafting and the making of (sombreros de pita)hand weave hats.

Religion; The population is mostly Catholic, but other protestant religions are practiced as well.

Local holidays and festivities; One of the most important festivities is held on June 24 in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In addition, on October the 4th it celebrates the biggest festivity in honor to its patron St. Francis of Assisi. Other festivities includes La purisima (a national festivity). And the national Cattle fair celebrated on April.

Local entertaiment includes bar scene, nightclubs (discotheques), rodeos (bull riding) and cock fighting tournaments.

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