Tivoid languages

Tivoid languages

The Tivoid languages are a group of African languages, a sub-family of the Southern Bantoid group, spoken in parts of Nigeria and Cameroon. SIL Ethnologue lists 17 Tivoid languages:

* Abon [abo] (Nigeria)
* Esimbi [ags] (Cameroon)
* Ambo [amb] (Nigeria)
* Ipulo [ass] (Cameroon)
* Iceve-Maci [bec] (Cameroon)
* Balo [bqo] (Cameroon)
* Bitare [brt] (Nigeria)
* Batu [btu] (Nigeria)
* Evant [bzz] (Nigeria)
* Caka [ckx] (Cameroon)
* Eman [emn] (Cameroon)
* Mesaka [iyo] (Cameroon)
* Manta [myg] (Cameroon)
* Osatu [ost] (Cameroon)
* Tiv [tiv] (Nigeria)
* Iyive [uiv] (Cameroon)
* Otank [uta] (Nigeria)

The majority of these are threatened with extinction. The largest of these languages by far is the Tiv language for which the group is named, with some 2 million speakers (as of 1991). The second largest is the Bitare language with some 110,000 speakers (as of 2000).


*SIL Ethnologue

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