Over Soul

Over Soul

In either anime or manga media variation of "Shaman King", nihongo|Over Soul|オーバーソウル is the general term referring to a type of shamanic magic a shaman uses to materialize a ghost onto the physical plane. Any type of O.S. often rely on the application and/or manipulation of furyoku--or mana--a supernatural force that shamans manipulate in the form of magic--in various methods, the most common of which is through media integration. Media integration pertains to the manual possession of a ghost spirit into an object. This allows the ghost to display various magics spells and use of special abilities.


Essential to even the most basic shaman magic, nihongo|furyoku|巫力|"furyoku", meaning "shamanic power", is the measure of the sixth sense that an organism is born with. It is generated by willpower and its integrity is contingent upon the being's conviction though it can be produced either naturally or artificially (ie. the Golem). Every living thing (plants, animals, and human beings) is given a measure of furyoku by the Great Spirit prior to birth to live out their lives, and upon their death, that power then returns to the planet. During an organism's lifetime, they have experiences from which they gain memories, and once they die, their furyoku returns to the planet, taking with it the memories of the life form to which it had been attached. These memories in turn give rise to more furyoku, allowing the planet's spirit as a whole to grow, and the cycle of life to continue.

Furyoku can also be increased, but much like the five basic senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste), furyoku is an inborn power that cannot be improved merely through physical training. The process for increasing a shaman's furyoku usually involves a "pseudo-death" experience. Ventures such as these usually involve the shaman being stripped of their physical senses, leaving only their sixth sense. Throughout the ordeal, the shaman must contend with the onslaught of negative emotion from their own being, relying only their strength of heart sustain them. After such an ordeal, the shaman's soul would either be strengthened or broken, in which the shaman may never recover.

Nonetheless, it's essential that a shaman rigorously engage in acquiring more furyoku.

Basic information

Generally speaking, O.S. (Over Souls) are divided into three categories: Spirit-types, Weapon-types, and Armor-types. Spirit-types, in themselves, have three sub-categories: Ghost-types, Seirei-types, and God-types which can be molded into any form imaginable and possesses great power unique mainly unto them. There are also "Synthetic O.S.". These are not actually O.S., but artificially-created entities that can be materialized like an O.S (ie. the X-Laws' Archangels).

The Over Soul represents the ultimate form of furyoku manipulation, and depending on the ghost-type and skill required to engage an Over Soul, an O.S. can be categorized as one of three primary classifications: "Spirit-types", "Weapon-types", and "Armor-types". The classification of an O.S. doesn't necessarily mean it will be more effective than a lower-class O.S., just more difficult to sustain, making the overall effectiveness of any O.S. largely based on individual talent. However, the types of ghost or spirit can alter the classification of an O.S.. The 3 main ghost types are as follows:
* Ghost-type: Normal-class shaman spirit ally
* Seirei-type: Master-class shaman spirit ally
* Kami-type: Kami-class shaman spirit allyWhen creating an Over Soul, it's important for a shaman to make careful selection of what type of ghost they will use. This being because the ghost determines the properties and capabilities that an O.S. would possess. For example, Seirei-types, superior to general Ghost-types, possess greater supernatural abilities due to their evolved existence, making them perfect 'material' for a Weapon-type OS. Conversely, Kami-types are vastly more powerful, but the concentration and sheer strength needed to sustain them limit their use to only Kami-class shaman (ie. Shaman with a Furyoku value over 500,000FP). This is where nihongo|reiyoku|霊力|"reiyoku" comes into play. Reiyoku, essentially, is the measure of spiritual power & strength that an apparition (or ghost) possesses. This power is manifested in the form of magic and supernatural ability (ie. Kororo's ice magic). A ghost's reiyoku could mean the defining factor in a shaman, as a shaman must take careful consideration in when creating an OS with high reiyoku. This being because a ghost's reiyoku level determines how much of a shaman's furyoku it consumes in Over Soul mode. Even for Kami-class shaman, a ghost with a high reiyoku value could rapidly deplete their furyoku reserves in no time. So on the the part of the shaman, a Kami-class OS is restricted to a limited time in action as prolonged use would be disastrous for a shaman in a drawn-out battle (ie. Hao's Spirit of Fire: Kurobina). However, a shaman can filter the amount of furyoku consumed by a ghost by the type of OS they utilize.

Spirit-type O.S. are Over Souls which emphasizes the special powers of the spirit, using furyoku to give them form in which to act on the physical plane (ie. O.S. Bason, O.S. Kororo-Snowboard). Weapon-type O.S. manifests the ghost in their purest form usually in a symbolic offensive form (ie. O.S. Spirit of Sword, O.S. Kororo-Ikupasuy, O.S. Super Bushin), enabling the ghost to directly display their natural fighting capabilities as a weapon, but this type requires great talent to wield effectively. Weapon-type are usually reserved for Seirei-type ghosts. The final, and most efficient type is the Armor-type Over Soul. Armor-types represent the pinnacle of O.S. magic and are the most practical form of O.S. as they virtually impervious to attack due to their highly-density of furyoku, and are equally formidable in terms of raw power. In terms of sheer capability, Armor-types are perfect for shamanic combat.

More precisely, an Over Soul is a spiritual construction forged from the shaman's furyoku by materializing a ghost onto the physical plane via channeling media. An Over Soul 'actualizes' the knowledge and memories of the ghost and allows their memories to be manifested in a physical sense, as magical powers. They are composed entirely of pure furyoku and being so, there is no real matter to upon. This renders all form of conventional weaponry useless, as only another Over Soul can inflict damage upon another Over Soul. While any spirit can be molded into an Over Soul, the extent to which the spirit can be shaped depends on the spirit's ego--or physical attachment. Depending on their ego, the ghost can be molded by the shaman into any shape or form the shaman desire, enabling the direct display of their abilities to protect the shaman. Human ghosts usually make poor choices for an Over Soul due to their egos, but, over time can evolve into higher spirits--spirits whose souls with been refined for over hundreds of years and attained their purest form. The exact appearance of the Over Soul depends entirely on the shaman's imagination. But it's also important that the media that the shaman uses symbolizes the spirit's abilities.

Media is important for various reasons. They are easily identifiable with the spirit ally, thus making the transition easier to an Over Soul. But, in some advanced O.S. technique, a secondary medium is needed to stabilize and magnify a spirit's power that has exceeded the spiritual capacity of its original medium (ie. Yoh's "Double-medium" Spirit of Sword Over Soul). More precisely, a Double-Medium O.S. regulates erratic flows of furyoku that has externalized too fiercely. The shaman introduces a secondary medium as a stabilizing element to control the energy generated from the reaction of medium and ghost becoming an Over Soul, lest the shaman risks burning through their furyoku reserves too quickly. In similar fashion that the shaman's soul and that of his spirit ally are bound together through the O.S., combine the mediums into one large weapon. Thus, the Shaman can fully tap into his Furyoku potential, and deal much more damage over a bigger radius.

The strength and integrity of an Over Soul depends on the amount of furyoku it's charged with, and the shaman's willpower which generates the furyoku. It's important for the shaman to keep in mind that although the mass of an Over Soul remains constant, furyoku is consumed anytime it uses magic to create matter, like ice, which consumes furyoku in itself. Furyoku is only consumed when the "body" of the Over Soul is compromised. At this juncture, the Over Soul is charged with the proportionate amount of furyoku necessary to sustain an Over Soul, depending on the level of damage sustained. Furthermore, the full potential of an O.S. also rests upon the harmony between shaman and spirit ally, without which the O.S.'s efficiency could be compromised.

The size, proportion, and shape of certain character's O.S. often change since their introductions, some without any explanation. This could be attributed to the mental imagery a shaman uses to envision the form, size and ability of the Over Soul. Yoh's Spirit of Sword, for instance, has changed throughout the series since being introduce in volume 15 of the manga, with a defined blade and the inclusion of a (large) hilt. Others such as Ryu's Tokagero-Bokuto O.S. and Hao's Spirit of Fire are a couple of O.S. that have undergone numerous alterations since their introductions, with each change being more contemporary as the series progressed. On an interesting note, in the anime adaption of the series, Mikihisa introduces a technique called "Spirit Reduction" (a term coined by fans) which effectively reduces the size of a spiritual weapon without changing the amount of furyoku utilized thus bringing more power to their strikes. Canon only to the anime, this technique only applied to the also anime-canon "Giant Over Souls". Yoh and Ren were the only two, aside from Mikihisa, to acquire the skill; However, Hao demonstrated his mastery over the technique as well during his battle with Yoh.

Reoccurring Over Souls

Many O.S. (Over Souls) are only introduced once during the series or are predominately used by only one character. The following are O.S. that are commonly used throughout the series by their originating characters.

;O.S. “Amidamaru” (O.S.阿弥陀丸)
* Shaman: Yoh Asakura
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Amidamaru (human ghost)
* Media used: "Harusame" KatanaDescription: Initially, Yoh learns how to create the magical Over Soul indirectly during his battle with the Shaman Fight officiant, Silva. By integrating Amidamaru's spirit with that of his sword, Harusame, Yoh forges an Over Soul which augments the properties of his Harusame's blade, with an Over Soul sword that grows bigger the more Yoh injects furyoku into it. The basic characteristics of this O.S. resembles Amidamaru's Spirit Flame form, with the samurai's shoulder guard present while effigy of Amidamaru burns over Harusame. As Yoh progressed, the Amidamaru O.S. was able to materialize on a higher plane of existence; in a sense, evolving into what could be called "Over Soul: Amidamaru V.2". This progression allowed Amidamaru's shoulder guard and arm shield to materialize over Yoh's right arm, providing more protection. At this phase, Amidamaru could speak freely, even while in O.S. mode, being that Yoh unconsciously made this O.S. as manifestation of his will as well. However, once Yoh learned to inject more mana into his O.S. the Amidamaru O.S. changed entirely; resulting in the near-complete materialization of Amidamaru himself, as witnessed during Yoh's final qualifying match with Tao Ren. This phase of the O.S. enabled Amidamaru to wield Harusame personally, allowing him to utilize his skills firsthand.
;O.S. "Spirit of Sword" (O.S.スピリット・オブ・ソード)
* Shaman: Yoh Asakura
* O.S. Type: Weapon Type
* Spirit Ally: Amidamaru (seirei-class)
* Media used: "Harusame" Katana & "Futsu-no-Mitama no Tsurugi" antiquityDescription: After studying the nihongo|Ultra Senji Ryakketsu|超・占事略決 [Though "超・占事略決" translates to "Chō Senji Ryakketsu", in the English translation it is translated "Ultra Senji Ryakketsu". The actual Senji Ryakketsu was an onmyōdō primer who credited the legendary Abe no Seimei in its creation. The Ultra Senji Ryakketsu is merely a fictional offshoot, created by the character, Hao Asakura whom was an onmyōji himself in his original incarnation.] from Anna, Yoh forges his most revolutionary OS; integrating the seirei-class Amidamaru O.S. (Amidamaru inside Harusame) through the Futsu-no-Mitama no Tsurugi to create the gigantic double-medium Over Soul, "Spirit of Sword"." This is a sword-shaped O.S. which hardens Yoh's mana into the shape of a blade and explosively increase its lethality, enabling it to cut through any form of mana. Yoh can also shoot the blade of the O.S. in accelerated length by pumping more mana into it.
;O.S. "Oni-Goroshi ["Oni-Goroshi" means "Demon Slayer" in Japanese.] " (O.S.鬼殺し)
* Shaman: Matamune (nekomata spirit), Yoh Asakura (age 10), Yohken Asakura
* O.S. Type: Weapon Type
* Spirit Ally: Matamune (nekomata spirit)
* Media used: Kiseru (Matamune) / Bear-talon necklace (Yoh) / Shakujo (Yohken)Description: This sword-shaped OS is the form of Matamune's soul in O.S. mode. Using the Ultra Senji Ryakketsu spell of Fumon Tonkou supplementary, he can extend the flow of his furyoku into his Kiseru and transform a portion of his spirit into a gigantic katana magically-imbued to ward off evil spirits. At the age 0f 10, Yoh reluctantly wielded this OS at the behest of Matamune, even though both knew doing so would deplete the remainder of Matamune's furyoku in the process. Yoh materialized the Oni-Goroshi OS through his trademark bear-talon necklace, which originally belonged to Matamune that was his anchor to the physical plane. This was also the OS that Yoh's ancestor Yohken wielded, using a Shakujo as a medium.
;O.S. "Spirit of Sword: Byakkou [The kanji "白鵠" translates to "Byakkou" meaning "white swan".] " (O.S.スピリット・オブ・ソード: 白鵠)
* Shaman: Yoh Asakura
* O.S. Type: Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: Amidamaru (seirei-class)
* Media used: "Harusame" Katana & "Futsu-no-Mitama no Tsurugi" antiquityDescription: Known simply as "Byakkou", this is a variation of Yoh's S.O.S. (Spirit of Sword) Over Soul, made in homage to Yoh's childhood affinity to the white swan, which he creates during his journey through the underworld. It's a double-medium O.S. composed of various, interchangeable panels of armor, which orbit Yoh for protection. The O.S. itself embodies Yoh's need for practicality, making the most of his two mediums; the Futsu-no-Mitama no Tsurugi, in the left hand, serving as the source of the O.S. while Harusame facilitating the medium in his right hand, materializing the orbital armor and a giant shirasaya Over Soul. The two portions respond in concert to every one of Yoh's movements, making it far more efficient than any other of his previous Over Souls. Its unique construction creates a tremendous concentration of mana, giving the O.S. undeniable power. The panels of armor can also rearrange themselves, using the bridging flow of mana enabling Yoh to adjust his attack, need be. In a special arrangement, Byakkou resembles a swan.

;O.S. "Bason" (O.S.馬孫)
* Shaman: Tao Ren
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Bason (human ghost)
* Media used: "Bason-" ["馬孫刀" translates to "Bason-" meaning "Bason's Blade" in English."] Guandao, (later "Bâo-Lèi Sword" [The kanji "宝雷剣" translates to "Houraiken" in Japanese, and "Bâo-Lèi Jian" in Chinese. In either translation "宝雷剣" means "Jewel Thunder Sword".] )Description: Rens original Over Soul which integrates Bason's ghost with his guandao, enabling him to materialize onto the physical plane. Its a Spirit-type O.S which molds Bason's ghost into a giant, golden battle spear. The battle spear Over Soul is formidable in itself, but the most intriguing aspect about this O.S. is its ability to change forms when fully supplied with the adequate amount of mana. As Ren charges more mana into the O.S., Bason's body begins to materialize on a higher plane of existence, ultimately materializing his whole upper body, though in colossal proportion. At this phase, Bason O.S. can assist with the halberd's attacks using his fists, or can handle the guandao itself (ie. Super-Golden Vorpal Dance). Bason can also transform into a flight-capable hover armor mode when Ren uses the Bâo-Lèi Sword.
;O.S. "Super Bushin [The kanji "スーパー武神" translates to "Super Bushin", meaning "Super Warlord". Name referenced on page 64, volume 17 -- Shaman King Character File No.87.] " (O.S.スーパー武神)
* Shaman: Tao Ren
* O.S. Type: Spirit/Weapon Type
* Spirit Ally: Bason (seirei-class)
* Media used: "Bâo-Lèi" SwordDescription: This Weapon-type O.S. integrates Bason with the Tao family's heirloom Bâo-Lèi Sword and transforms him into a monstrous Guandao O.S., with the ability to alter its shape on command [Page 66, volume 17.] . This O.S. takes full advantage of the spirit-refining powers of the Bâo-Lèi Sword, enabling Bason to evolve into a seirei-class ghost and access his wealth of military knowledge of weaponry and tactics. The end result is an O.S. in a constant state of evolution, able to transform into any weapon Bason has ever wielded [Pages 67 & 68 of volume 17.] . The name compliments this O.S.'s abilities well, as "Bushin" means "Warlord"; reflecting Bason's expertise in weaponry and military might.
;O.S. "Bushin Yúchì" [The kanji "魚翅" translates to "Yúchì", which is Japanese and Chinese meaning "shark's fin". Name referenced on page 188, volume 26 -- Shaman King Character File No.139.] (O.S.武神魚翅)
* Japanese Translation: Bushin Yútsú
* Shaman: Tao Ren
* O.S. Type: Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: Bason (seirei-class)
* Media used: Bâo-Lèi SwordDescription: This Armor-type O.S. is the evolution of the Super Bushin. It integrates Bason with the Bâo-Lèi Sword and materializes as protective armor and shield for Ren's right arm. With this O.S. Ren can attune his furyoku to the element of electricity and generates great amounts of voltage. The Bushin Yúchì embodies the understanding of Pascal Avaf's advice and the epiphany of the nature of his strength, as achieves true harmony with his spirit ally, Bason. Since its introduction, the Bushin Yúchì has undergone two major metamorphosis; the initial design being a two-part O.S. which separates into a giant blade-arm and an airborne electrical capacitor. And the other being protective armor and shield, with a trademark, shark-fin blade protruding from the arm-shield. As Ren improves in strength, the O.S. becomes more streamline and sleeker, dropping the armor and ultimately settling in the form of a large, sleek, shark-faced forearm-shield with the trademark shark-fin blade. [It should be noted that, the mechanized face of Bason serves as the shield's knuckleguard.]
;O.S. "Kororo-Snowboard" (O.S.スノーボードにコロロ)
* Shaman: Horohoro
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Kororo (Koropokkuru spirit)
* Media used: SnowboardDescription: Horohoro's original Over Soul, using a snowboard to integrate his Koropokkuru spirit, Kororo with. As an O.S., the tribal patterns envelop the board while Kororo's "face" appears on the base of the board. The Over Soul uses a frigid form of magic which freezes moisture in the atmosphere into hardened ice. Overtime, Horohoro begins attaching the board to his arm and forms a humongous ice-statue knuckle-hammer O.S..

;O.S. "Kororo-Ikupasuy" (O.S.イクパスイにコロロ)
* Shaman: Horohoro
* O.S. Type: Weapon Type
* Spirit Ally: Kororo (Koropokkuru nature spirit)
* Media used: IkupasuyDescription: Hororo's second Over Soul manifestation, integrating Kororo the Koropokkuru spirit with an Ikupasuy--an Ainu prayer stick; a tool of communication to the gods. The Kororo-Ikupasuy O.S. embodies Horhoro's outrage at mankind's disrespect of nature, impeded by the owl-faced appearance of the Over Soul. [The Ainu look upon the horned owl as an omen of doom. They were viewed as demons whose desire was the harm of mankind. Lore states that their eyes could tell the goodness or wickedness of a man.] The O.S. is capable of frigid magic and can manipulate extreme degrees of cold. In the anime, Horohoro expands on this Over Soul after experiencing the world within the Ultra Senji Ryakketsu, and the result is a Giant O.S. called "Biran Birantte Kamui ["Kamui" or "Kamuy" is Ainu for "god".] " which takes the form of an ice giantess.
;O.S. “Nipopo Tekunpe” [The kanji "ニポポテクンペ" translates to "Nipopo Tekunpe" in Ainu, which is another literation for "ニポポ手甲", meaning "Nipopo Gaunlets" in Japanese. Nipopo are small wooden figurines produced by some Ainu shamans and are used primarily as amulets for curing or warding off childhood disease. Ainu:Spirit of a Northern People websitehttp://www.mnh.si.edu/ARCTIC/ainu/html/room04.html] (O.S.ニポポテクンペニポポ手甲」)
* Shaman: Horohoro
* O.S. Type: Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: Kororo (Koropokkuru nature spirit)
* Media used: IkupasuyDescription: The Nipopo Tekunpe is a pair of enormous ice gauntlets and Horohoro's strongest O.S.. Both gauntlet pair are named nihongo|“"Hara Kihoku [Left Husband] "”|ハラキホク [レフトハズバンド] (on the left arm) and nihongo|"Shimon Mataki [Right Wife] "|シモンマタク [ライトワイフ] (on the right arm). They reflect the awakening of Horohoro's true survival instincts as he finally learned to overcome his grief and calms his restless soul. Because of this, he is now able to work in harmony with Kororo and merge his will with hers to control the extreme colds. Their combined power produces cold so powerful that it ravages the target from the inside out.
;O.S. "Tokagero-Bokutō" (O.S.木刀にトカゲロウ)
* Shaman: "Wooden Sword" Ryu
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Tokagero (human ghost)
* Media used: Bokutō, carved from normal woodDescription: This is Ryu's first Over Soul, made by integrating Tokagero's ghost with his bokutō. This O.S. provides Ryu with much needed protection in the form of shoulder armor and prehensile, snake-like tendrils that are used to bind enemies as well as defend against attacks. Originally, this O.S. manifested as armor, turning Tokagero into a shield bearing his likeness, before being re-imagined. Overall, this O.S. proved to be Ryu's most versatile O.S. type, if not the weakest. Ryu even created a 'legendary hitch-hiking' technique revolving around this OS called his "Jumbo Thumb Over Soul" creating a huge 'green thumb' with a striking resemblance to Tokagero's face.
;O.S. "Yamato No Orochi Go" (O.S.ヤマタノオロチ号)
* Shaman: "Wooden Sword" Ryu
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Tokagero (seirei-class)
* Media used: "Ame-no-Murakumo" bokutō, carved from shin-boku--holy woodDescription: The result of Anna's training. Thanks to her training, Ryu learned to harness, at will, the power he displayed during his fight with Boris, the vampire shaman. "Orochi" provides all the advantages of the previous form, but in the form of an 8-headed serpent, yielding far greater ferocity and power. Once a seirei-class spirit, this evolved O.S. transforms Tokagero into the fearsome “"Yamata-no-Orochi Go"”, a gigantic O.S. which places Tokagero as the rider of a humongous, 4-wheeled motorcycle monstrosity with 8 humongous serpents heads, looming over an oversized replica of Tokagero's headguard. This O.S. variation, aside from its naturally high defenses, is surprisingly mobile.
;O.S. "Sashimi Bouchou Susanorō" [The kanji "刺身包丁" translates to "Sashimi Bouchou" in Japanese, meaning "Sushi Knife".] (O.S.刺身包丁スサノロウ)
* Shaman: "Wooden Sword" Ryu
* O.S. Type: Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: Tokagero (seirei-class)
* Media used: "Ame-no-Murakumo" bokutō, carved from shin-boku--god woodDescription: In order to compete against "The Ren" Team, the Funbari Onsen Team began training to hone their shamanic powers, and Ryu developed this O.S. as a result. It's an Armor-type O.S. made from integrating Tokagero's ghost with Ryu's Ame-no-Murakumo bokutō. The O.S. takes the form of a giant sushi knife with Tokagero's signature headguard visible over the hilt, and shoulder armor created over Ryu's right arm. This O.S. embodies Ryu's dream of becoming a sushi chef, which makes this O.S. all the more powerful.
;O.S. "Dear Eliza" (O.S.愛しのエリザ)
* Shaman: Johann Georg Faust VIII
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Eliza Faust (human ghost)
* Media used: Skeleton of Eliza FaustDescription: The principal O.S. of the necromancer, Faust the VIII. His necromancing Over Soul is the product of years of study from the grimoire left behind by his ancestor, Johann Georg Faust I. With the magic acquired from its contents, Faust is able to vividly recreate the semblance of life in the corpse of his deceased wife Eliza, and reanimate her body by integrating her ghost with her bones and fleshing them out with mana. However, necromancy can only reanimate corpses, and will not work if the ghost has any willpower remaining. To that extent, "Dear Eliza" is nothing more than a glorified doll, with no will of her own aside from Faust. Though not very strong, 'Dear Eliza' is fortified with pure mana and wields a huge hand-made staff affixed with a giant razor with the Over Soul extended over it, making her particularly lethal at close to mid-range combat. On an interesting note, as a result of the battle between he and Yoh, Faust replaced Eliza's leg bones with his own and now uses the bones of his deceased pet Manchester Terrier, Frankensteiny, as an Over Soul in their place when in battle.
;O.S. "Mephisto Eliza" (O.S.メフィスト・E)
* Shaman: Johann Georg Faust VIII
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Eliza Faust (human ghost)
* Media used: Skeleton of Eliza Faust & various medical toolsDescription: After being recruited into the Funbari Onsen Team, Faust began training under Anna with Ultra Senji Ryakketsu. After mastering its contents, Faust's necromancy improved considerably allowing he and Anna to truly return Eliza's spirit to this world. Faust makes this O.S. by integrating Eliza's ghost with her bones and tools from his doctor's kit creating a menacing and demonic giant O.S. nurse--a homage of the original Mephistopheles and his deceased lover, Eliza--complete with demonic wings and over-sized surgical tools for fingers. As giant O.S., Mephisto Eliza wields monstrous strength.
;O.S. "Eliza Operieren" (O.S.エリザ・オペリーレン)
* Shaman: Johann Georg Faust VIII
* O.S. Type: Spirit/Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: Eliza Faust
* Media used: Skeleton of Eliza Faust & various medical toolsDescription: Faust creates this O.S. in order to compete against "The Ren" Team. With a few pointers from Sati, Faust finally achieves the power of "true" resurrection through this O.S.. While essentially an Armor-type O.S., Eliza Operieren is operated by the ghost O.S. of Eliza her, making this Armor-type rendition similar like Faust's original "Dear Eliza". The O.S. consists of Eliza in her nurses outfit with surgical theater equipment attached to her back, though towards the end of the manga Faust begins to "wear" Eliza and the armor protrudes from his back instead.
;O.S. "Mic/Black Jaguar" (O.S.ミック/黒いジャガー)
* Shaman: Joco McDowell
* O.S. Type: Spirit/Unity Type
* Spirit Ally: Mic (jaguar familiar)
* Media used: Shaft Claws/himselfDescription: While the basic O.S. simply materializes Mic the jaguar spirit through Chocolove's Shaft Claws, Chocolove can initiate a special 'Integration Over Soul' by allowing the jaguar to possess his head and limbs and integrating with his Over Soul, thus becoming the "Black Jaguar". In this state, Chocolove's body is covered with blemish spots of mana and acquires cat-like speed and reflexes from the jaguar limb O.S. extending from his arms and feet. This technique was taught to him by an old Indio shaman named Orona who introduced him to shaman magic and inspired him to become a comedian.

In the anime, Chocolove expands on this Over Soul after experiencing the world within the Ultra Senji Ryakketsu, and the result is a Giant O.S. called "Speed Hoiirugu" which takes the form of a giant, somewhat mechanical, jaguar with wings
;O.S. "Olmeca" (O.S.オルメカ)
* Shaman: Joco McDowell
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Pascal Avaf (Olmec spirit) [It is unclear what specific tribe Pascal Avaf, Orona, and Chocolove are descended from as they use motifs that are an amalgamation of many Mesoamerican Indian cultures. For instance the giant stone head is an artifact from the Olmec culture while Macchu Pichu was an Incan city. On the other hand O.S. Jaguarman is a direct reference to the Jaguar and Eagle warriors of the Aztec people.]
* Media used: Shaft ClawsDescription: An Over Soul replica of the massive stone head statue of the Olmec people. This O.S. controls the power of the nihongo|"Machu Picchu"|マチュピチュ| Machupichu and enables Chocolove to run on air at minimal mana consumption and render him near-invisible, as long as the O.S. is engaged. This O.S. and its power was used long ago by the Incas to walk on air.
;O.S. Jaguarman (O.S.ジャガーマン)
* Shaman: Joco McDowell
* O.S. Type: Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: Mic & Pascal Avaf
* Media used: Shaft ClawsDescription: An Armor-type Over Soul which Chocolove creates by integrating Mic the jaguar with Pascal Avaf into his Shaft Claws. The two spirits produce Aztec-like jaguar armor which covers Joco's entire body, complete with a set of giant armored claws and protective jaguar-head mask. This O.S. gives Chocolove the ability to move at incredible supersonic-speeds, surpassing the speed of wind. This enables him to evade virtually any attack and initiate his own counterstrike immediately afterwards. On a side note, Pascal Avaf can speak through the O.S. armor.
;O.S. Homing Pendulum (O.S.ホーミング・ペンジャラーム)
* Shaman: Lyserg Diethel
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Morphine (fairy spirit)
* Media used: Pendulum Bay "Elizabeth" w/ crystal pendulumDescription: This is Lyserg's most recognized O.S. which he makes by integrating Morphine with his crystal pendulum. It creates a cockpit in the pendulum for Morphine to fly in (she even wears aviation goggles while flying) and, with her help, enhances Lyserg's divination powers and dowsing capability by taking advantage of her phenomenal senses. The Pendulum Over Soul moves at incredible speeds and can evade or strike virtually any mark. The Over Soul expands the entire length of the wire, enabling Lyserg to control it as well, and cannot be severed as long as he holds the pendulum.
;O.S. Archangel Zeruel (O.S.アークエンジェル・ゼルエル)
* Shaman: Lyserg Diethel
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Zeruel (Archangel/spirit of the Lotus Elise roadster)
* Media used: Sword No-008 "Lyserg Derringer"Description: This archangel O.S. is housed within the Lyserg Derringer, Sword No-008 of the X-Laws, which was given to Lyserg after being officially inducted into the X-Laws. This O.S. manifests in the form of the 8th angel, Zeruel, which is the spirit of the rare roadster, Lotus Elise. Zeruel has a slender build and wields a fencing saber. Aside from its angelic powers, it is very nimble and can even transform into vehicle form for travel.

;O.S. Mastema Dolkeem (O.S.マステマ・ドルキーマ)
* Shaman: Lyserg Diethel
* O.S. Type: Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: Morphea & Zeruel
* Media used: Pendulum Bay "Elizabeth" w/ crystal pendulum & Sword No-008 "Lyserg Derringer"Description: This is a multi-spirit Armor-type O.S. which Lyserg creates while in the underworld. Through the partial guidance from Pascal Avaf, and his two spirits, Lyserg forges this new O.S. which integrates Zeruel and Morphine with his Derringer and his "Elizabeth". The O.S. manifests as armor secured on his back and over his shoulders and waist. Five armor fragments suspend themselves behind Lyserg's head and acts as protection. Six burning arms of furyoku give this O.S. simultaneous defense and offense, and operates much like his original Homing Pendulum O.S.. Lyserg attributes the nature of this O.S. as a means to prevent himself from being consumed by the fires of his rage, thus attuning his furyoku to the element of fire.

;O.S. Silva Arms (O.S.シルバーアームズ)
* Shaman: Silva of the 10 Patch officiants
* O.S. Type: Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: 5 Animal Totems - Silva Wing, Rod, Shield, Horn, and Tail
* Media used: eagle feathers, turtle shell piece, buffalo horn, snake jawbone, coyote femurDescription: This is the Silva's multi-spirit Over Soul which turns his five totems, sealed within his rings, into armor. Each totem is solidifies through the symbolizing medium: feathers for his eagle totem; a snake jawbone for his snake totem; a turtle carapace piece for his turtle totem; a buffalo horn for his buffalo totem; and a coyote femur for his coyote totem. Silva molds each totem as different O.S., in the most efficient form to directly display their abilities. These are the descriptions of the five totems in Silva's possession:
* Silva Shield (シルバーシールド): Silva's turtle totem. As an O.S., Silva Shield materializes over Silva's left forearm as a turtle-shaped shield. This O.S. provides protection for Silva. This is perhaps Silva's most deceptive O.S. as its simplistic appearance belays its true capability. The surface of the shield ripples when hit, absorbing and dispersing the impact of attacks, protecting Silva, and shattering the adversary's mode of attack.
* Silva Tail (シルバーテイル): Silva's coyote totem. As an O.S., Silva Horn materializes over Silva's left leg as a coyote-faced greave. This O.S. enhances Silva's leg strength utilizing a minimal amount of mana in bursts. This ability enables Silva to make extraordinary leaps and dashes; even in a single bound.
* Silva Wing (シルバーウイング): Silva's eagle totem. As an O.S., Silva Wing materializes as winged armor over Silva's shoulders and back. This O.S. enables Silva's ability of flight. Offensively, the razor-sharp edge of the wings can tear a target to sunders.
* Silva Horn (シルバーホーン): Silva's buffalo totem. As an O.S., Silva Horn materializes over Silva's right leg as a buffalo-faced greave. This O.S. multiple the power of Silva's leg, thanks to the design of the greave. The buffalo face releases jets of mana from its 'nose' and 'mouth' generating tremendous power behind his kicks.
* Silva Rod (シルバーロッド): Silva's snake totem. As an O.S., Silva Rod materializes over Silva's right forearm as a coiling, snake-shaped rod. This O.S. can be used by Silva to constrict targets and/or straighten into a piercing rod.The Silva Arms are also capable of a special O.S. formation called "Totem Pole Cannon". The five Silva Arms transform into mechanical components assembling into a powerful energy launcher, which fires the energy of all five spirits at once. However this formation is rarely used because of its considerable mana consumption. Nevertheless, the energy blast packs quite a punch.

;O.S. "Cupid" (O.S.キューピツド)
* Shaman: Tamao Tamamura
* O.S. Type: Weapon Type
* Spirit Ally: Conchi (fox familiar)
* Media used: PlanchetteDescription: Cupid [Interestingly enough, "Cupid" is another name for the kokkuri board, which uses a planchette, because people tend to ask questions particularly about love.] is named of Tamao's Over Soul, which integrates Conchi, her fox spirit, with her planchette. Once integrated, Conchi transforms the heart-shaped planchette into a bow and arrow, with the ability to guide the Conchi arrow wherever the shaman's heart desires.

;O.S. "Angel" (O.S.エンジェル)
* Shaman: Tamao Tamamura
* O.S. Type: Weapon Type
* Spirit Ally: Ponchi (raccoon dog familiar)
* Media used: PlanchetteDescription:Switching Conchi for her second spirit, this oversoul manifests itself as a gigantic heart-shaped shield consisting of Ponchi's legs, testicles, and tail. By using this defensive oversoul, Tamao can enlarge Ponchi's testicles to envelop the opponent, immobilizing them.

;O.S. " Dào Wáng & Dào Lóng" ["大道王 & 大道竜" means "Great Tao King & Great Tao Dragon". In Chinese, it's pronounced " Dào Wáng & Dào Lóng", while the Japanese pronunciation is "Dai Dou Ou & Dai Dou Ryu".] (O.S.大道王 & 大道竜)
* Japanese Translation: "Dai Dou Ou" & "Dai Dou Ryu"
* Shaman: Tao Yúan
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: The souls of Tao ancestry
* Media used: Bâo-Lèi SwordDescription: Tao Yúan's O.S. is an aggregation of all the ancestral souls of the Tao Dynasty over the past two millennia. For decades, Tao Yúan has lived disguise as the " Dào Wáng" Over Soul because of his mistrust of people. As the " Dào Wáng", the souls form into a huge and brutish behemoth. Around its arms and waist are belts of huge memorial tablets, containing what must be the remaining ancestral souls of the Tao dynasty. Tao Yúan operates this O.S. from the cockpit capsule hanging from the additional belt strip around his waist. Despite his size, Dào Wáng is far from cumbersome and can move in an instance like a phantom.

As the " Dào Lóng", the ancestral souls take the form of a huge, scaled, Shénlóng-like dragon complete with Tao Yúan's head (with his exaggerated mustache & beard) and four sets of claws. The " Dào Lóng" also has a signature attack called the nihongo|"Great Vorpal Spiral"|大中華螺旋.

;O.S. Seminoa Warriors-Kanachi Dolls
* Shaman: Lilirara of the Seminoa
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: The ghosts of five Seminoa warriors - Nitzva, Jophia, Dreisa and Ian
* Media used: Kanachi dollsDescription: These are Over Souls made from kanachi dolls. With Seminoa magic, Lilirara can integrate the ghosts within the dolls with their victims and share the ghosts' experiences and pain in visions, by directly invading their mind.

;O.S. Zenki & Koki (O.S.前鬼 & 後鬼)
* Shaman: Anna Kyōyama
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: Zenki & Koki (ogre familiars)
* Media used: The 1080 RosaryDescription: Once powerful shikigami sealed within a parchment seal by Hao to protect the Ultra Senji Ryakketsu. Now they obey Anna, who subdued these fearsome spirits and made them her Spirit Allies. With her mastery of the Ultra Senji Ryakketsu, Anna can easily invoke the two ogres as O.S. Zenki is formidable at melee-combat, using only his fist while Koki wields a mighty battle axe.

;O.S. "Wings of the Dead" (O.S.死者の翼)
* Shaman: Anatel
* O.S. Type: Weapon Type
* Spirit Ally: 1000 ancient Egyptian souls
* Media used: AnkhDescription: An O.S. in the form of giant hieroglyphic wings, the Wings of the Dead are comprised of 1000 Egyptian souls which make up the "feathers" of this incredible winged O.S. On these wings, Anatel can maneuver with ease throughout the sky. The dual obelisks jointed to each wing mount over Anatel's shoulder and floods the air with a barrage of feathers made of mana. The feathers themselves destroys an adversary's lungs once inhaled, making this O.S. very deadly.

;O.S. "Spirit of Fire" (O.S.スピリット オブ ファイヤ)
* Shaman: Hao Asakura
* O.S. Type: Spirit Type
* Spirit Ally: The Spirit of Fire (spirit of nature)
* Media used: OxygenDescription: This is Hao's primary Over Soul. Using his furyoku, Hao manifests the Spirit of Fire, one of the five great spirits of nature, onto the physical plane by integrating it with the oxygen in the atmosphere. Using Onmyōdō magic, Hao can alter the nature of the S.O.F. (Spirit of Fire) into any of the other five basic elements of Onmyōdō magic.

;O.S. "Spirit of Fire: Kurobina" (O.S.スピリット オブ ファイヤ:黒雛) [ The kanji "黒雛" translates to "Kurobina" meaning "Black Fowl".]
* Shaman: Hao Asakura
* O.S. Type: Armor Type
* Spirit Ally: The Spirit of Fire
* Media used: OxygenDescription: This is Hao's armor-type O.S. which transforms the S.O.F. into a high-speed jet armor. With it, Hao is capable of high-speed flight and its wing-like manipulators act as appendages for close-range combat. Mounted on the back are two high-intensity laser cannons, which can incinerate anything it targets within seconds. As with most Armor-type O.S., this form requires little of Hao's furyoku, but, because of the S.O.F., consumes a considerable amount of reiyoku. however, it offers capabilities which far surpasses that of the normal S.O.F. in its O.S. mode. The only foreseeable drawback is the expensive furyoku consumption.


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