- Bibliography of Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault (1926–1984) was a prominent twentieth-century French philosopher, who wrote prolificly.Monographs
Other books
In French, almost all of Foucault's shorter writings, published interviews and miscellany have been published in a collection called "Dits et écrits", originally published in four volumes in 1994, latterly in only two volumes.
In English, there are a number of overlapping anthologies, which often use conflicting translations of the overlapping pieces, frequently with different titles. Richard Lynch's [http://www.foucault.qut.edu.au/lynch.html bibliography] of Foucault's shorter work is invaluable for keeping track of these multiple versions. The major collections in English are:
*"Language, counter-memory, practice", ed. Donald F. Bouchard (1977)
*"Power/Knowledge", ed. Colin Gordon (1980)
*"The Foucault Reader", ed.Paul Rabinow (1984)
*"The History of Sexuality" 3 vols., (Vintage, 1988)
*"Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984", tr. Alan Sheridan, ed. Lawrence D. Kritzman (1988)
*"Foucault Live" (2nd Ed.), ed.Sylvère Lotringer (1996)
*"The Politics of Truth", ed. Sylvère Lotringer (1997)
*"Ethics : subjectivity and truth" (Essential Works Vol. 1), ed. Paul Rabinow (1997)
*"Aesthetics, Method, Epistemology" (Essential Works Vol.2), ed. James D. Faubion (1998)
*"Power" (Essential Works Vol. 3), ed. James D. Faubion (2000)
*"The Essential Foucault", eds. Paul Rabinow and Nikolas Rose (2003)Lectures
In a 1967 lecture, called in English either "Different spaces" or "Of Other Spaces" [cite web|url=http://foucault.info/documents/heteroTopia/foucault.heteroTopia.en.html |title=Michel Foucault, Of Other Spaces (1967), Heterotopias |publisher=Foucault.info |date= |accessdate=2008-09-21] (reprinted in "Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology", and in "The Visual Culture Reader", ed.
Nicholas Mirzoeff ), Foucault coined a novel concept of theheterotopia .Works available online
* [http://www.generation-online.org/p/fpfoucault1.htm Michel Foucault's Introduction to Kant's Anthropology original version translated by Arianna Bove, 2002]
* [http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/audiofiles.html#foucault Online audiorecording of Foucault at UC Berkeley, April 1983: "The Culture of the Self"]
* [http://foucault.info/documents/ Repository of texts] from Foucault.info (excerpts from Discipline & punish, Archeology of knowledge, Heterotopia, Manet, Pierre Rivière, Enlightenment, Author Function, etc.)
* [http://www.thefoucauldian.co.uk/library.htm Thefoucauldian.co.uk] 18 online texts on Pierre Rivière, technologies of the self, archeology of knowledge, Nietzsche & genealogy, etc.
* [http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/007863.html "What are the Iranians Dreaming About?"] - an excerpt from "Foucault and the Iranian Revolution"
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