Hotel St. George

Hotel St. George

Hotel St. George, once the largest hotel in New York City, was located in the heart of scenic Brooklyn Heights. Its various constituent buildings, mostly surviving, were built between 1885 and 1929, although it no longer operates as a hotel. It was conveniently located just one subway stop from Manhattan, atop the Clark Street-Brooklyn Heights station. The subway station still operates inside the Hotel itself, right before the main door leading to the no longer operating Ballroom and check-in.

The St. George was once brought celebrities and athletes flocking to the largest indoor salt-water pool in the United States. Part of The Godfather was filmed in the St. George. service to NYC area university students. This same entrance also allows access to the Studio Wing also owned by EHS. In 2005, EHS expanded their St. George operations and opened a new wing of the building at 55 Clark Street known as Clark Residence. It is built on the site of the building that was destroyed in 1995. EHS houses 1200 students from all over the country and from all over the world. Along its Clark Street and Henry Street fronts, the former Hotel St. George buildings also house shops, restaurants, and services at street level. A subway entrance still operates within the building.

The hotel was the subject of a song by The Hassles (featuring Billy Joel), written by Billy Joel and recorded in 1968. The song can be heard on The Hassles album, 'Hour of the Wolf', and on the bootleg Billy Joel compilation, entitled Billy Joel Sings.

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