List of Nova Scotia provincial electoral districts

List of Nova Scotia provincial electoral districts

Provincial electoral districts in Nova Scotia.

Present Districts

* Annapolis (1993-present)
* Antigonish (1867-present)
* Argyle (1981-present)
* Bedford (2003-present)
* Cape Breton Centre (1925-present)
* Cape Breton North (1933-present)
* Cape Breton Nova (1956-present)
* Cape Breton South (1933-present)
* Cape Breton West (1933-present)
* Chester-St. Margaret's (1993-present)
* Clare (1949-present)
* Colchester North (1978-present)
* Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley (1993-present)
* Cole Harbour (1978-1993) (2003-present)
* Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage (1993-present)
* Cumberland North (1993-present)
* Cumberland South (1993-present)
* Dartmouth East (1978-present)
* Dartmouth North (1967-present)
* Dartmouth South-Portland Valley (2003-present)
* Digby-Annapolis (1993-present)
* Eastern Shore (1993-present)
* Glace Bay (2003-present)
* Guysborough-Sheet Harbour (1993-present)
* Halifax Atlantic (1967-present)
* Halifax Chebucto (1933-present)
* Halifax Citadel (1933-present)
* Halifax Clayton Park (2003-present)
* Halifax Fairview (1993-present)
* Halifax Needham (1967-present)
* Hammonds Plains-Upper Sackville (2003-present)
* Hants East (1949-present)
* Hants West (1949-present)
* Inverness (1867-1981) (1993-present)
* Kings North (1956-present)
* Kings South (1956-present)
* Kings West (1956-present)
* Lunenburg (1867-1956) (1993-present)
* Lunenburg West (1956-present)
* Pictou Centre (1949-present)
* Pictou East (1949-present)
* Pictou West (1949-present)
* Preston (1993-present)
* Queens (1867-present)
* Richmond (1867-1925) (1933-present)
* Sackville-Cobequid (1993-present)
* Shelburne (1867-present)
* Timberlea-Prospect (1993-present)
* Truro-Bible Hill (1978-present)
* Victoria-The Lakes (2003-present)
* Waverley-Fall River-Beaverbank (2003-present)
* Yarmouth (1867-present)

Historical Districts

Redistributed in 2003

* Cape Breton East (1925-2003)
* Cape Breton The Lakes (1978-2003)
* Dartmouth South (1967-2003)
* Dartmouth-Cole Harbour (1993-2003)
* Halifax Bedford Basin (1978-2003)
* Sackville-Beaver Bank (1993-2003)
* Victoria (1867-2003)

Redistributed in 1993

* Annapolis East (1956-1993)
* Annapolis West (1956-1993)
* Colchester South (1978-1993)
* Cumberland Centre (1949-1993)
* Cumberland East (1949-1993)
* Cumberland West (1949-1993)
* Digby (1867-1993)
* Guysborough (1867-1993)
* Halifax Cornwallis (1967-1993)
* Halifax Eastern Shore (1967-1993)
* Halifax St. Margarets (1967-1993)
* Inverness North (1981-1993)
* Inverness South (1981-1993)
* Lunenburg Centre (1956-1993)
* Lunenburg East (1956-1993)
* Sackville (1978-1993)

Redistributed in 1978

* Colchester (1867-1978)
* Halifax Cobequid (1967-1978)

Redistributed in 1967

* Halifax Centre (1933-1967)
* Halifax County Dartmouth (1956-1967)
* Halifax East (1933-1967)
* Halifax North (1933-1967)
* Halifax Northwest (1956-1967)
* Halifax South (1933-1967)
* Halifax West (1933-1967)

Redistributed in 1956

* Kings (1867-1956)
* Annapolis County (1867-1956)

Redistributed in 1949

* Cumberland (1867-1949)
* Hants (1867-1949)
* Pictou (1867-1949)

Redistributed in 1933

* Halifax (1867-1933)
* Richmond and Cape Breton West (1925-1933)

Redistributed in 1925

* Cape Breton (1867-1925)

ee also

* List of Nova Scotia General Assemblies

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