Echo sounding

Echo sounding

pulses directed from the surface or from a submarine vertically down to measure the distance to the bottom by means of sound waves.


After the disaster of the Titanic in 1912, the German physicist Alexander Behm conducted some research to find a way to detect icebergs. He discovered the technique of echo sounding which turned out to be inefficient in spotting icebergs, but a great tool to measure the depth of the sea. Behm had his invention patented in 1913.


Distance is measured by multiplying half the time from the signal's outgoing pulse to its return by the speed of sound in the water, which is approximately 1.5 kilometres per second. Echo sounding is effectively a special purpose application of sonar used to locate the bottom.

Common use

As well as an aid to navigation (most larger vessels will have at least a simple depth sounder), echo sounding is commonly used for fishing. Variations in elevation often represent places where fish congregate. Schools of fish will also register.Most charted ocean depths use an average or standard sound speed. Where greater accuracy is required average and even seasonal standards may be applied to ocean regions. For high accuracy depths, usually restricted to special purpose or scientific surveys, a sensor may be lowered to observe the factors (temperature, pressure and salinity) used to calculate sound speed and thus determine the actual sound speed in the local water column.

pecial applications

In areas where detailed bathymetry is required, an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) can be deployed to make a high resolution map. These maps are made using a multibeam echosounder (MBES) that measures the time it takes for a pulse of sound emitted from the AUV to travel to the ocean floor and back. The MBES transmitting and listening devices are known as transducers. A good MBES will have around one hundred transducers, the output from which can be combined in such a way as to enhance the sound transmitted towards or arriving from a particular direction. This technique is known as "beam forming". The travel time and direction of the sound return can be converted to a depth relative to the AUV. The vertical position of the AUV in the ocean is determined using a pressure gauge. The accuracy of this process is in the order of centimeters.

ee also

*Acoustical oceanography
*Sounding line
*Underwater acoustics

External links

* [ Bluefin]
* [ Multibeam echosounders]

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  • echo sounding — n. the determining of depth of water by means of a device (echo sounder) that measures the time required for a sound wave to be reflected from the bottom: a similar process (echo ranging) is used to measure the distance to an underwater object *… …   Universalium

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  • echo-sounding — echˈo sounding noun A method of measuring the depth of water, locating shoals of fish, etc, by noting the time taken for an echo to return from the bottom, the shoal, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑echo …   Useful english dictionary

  • echo sounding — /ˈɛkoʊ saʊndɪŋ/ (say ekoh sownding) noun 1. a method of measuring the depth of water below a ship by the use of an echo sounder. 2. a measurement so obtained …  

  • echo sounding — noun a) The technique of using reflected pulses of sound to determine depth or the location of objects (or fish) under water. b) A particular measurement made using this technique …   Wiktionary

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