- Te zura nihil
Te Zura Nihil is a
fantasy epic series written by Emily Coleman. It follows the character of Arlene as she stumbles from our world into an exotic world embroiled in war.Plot Summary
Book One
The first book of Te Züra Nihil sets up the background story for the rest of the series. In it, Arlene travels from Earth to the fantasy world of Te Züra Nihil called Essum. There, she discovers that in this world, witches and wizards exist, as do other, vampire-like creatures (called liliths). She meets Amarenon, a lilith, and his conscience/spirit guide Laetusa. Arlene also narrowly escapes from a battle with Nihil, the book's antagonist.
Book Two
In this book, Arlene goes through training to harness her powers as a witch. She is trained by Madaam Trita Sapienta, as well as Trita's stable boy Fidel.
Book Three
Arlene and the group (Laetusa, Fidel, and Amarenon) travel through Essum looking for ways to defeat Nihil. They also meet Palesis, a mysterious girl who is incredibly strong and useful in the final battle.
Book Four
Some stuff happens.
Book Five
In this book, there's the necessary final, epic battle. The last scene is spoken entirely in the native language of the lilith (Lils).
*Te Züra Nihil - The title also refers to the God-like "Dreaming Tree" (English translation from Lils), the one who controls all powers and is the avatar of good in the world.
*Arlene Johnson - The main character. A little like Alice, a little like Frodo, she's all awesome.
*Amarenon - A lilith who is guarded over by a spirit.
*Laetusa - The spirit who guards over Amarenon.
*Nihil - The book's antagonist and a pretty evil dude.
*Loki - Nihil's right-hand man.
*Exhire - Nihil's right-hand lilith.
*Madaam Trita Sapienta - Arlene's trainer in book 2.
*Fidel - Trita's stable boy and Arlene's good friend.
*Palesis Jahzeel - A witch with a control over water. She's almost as awesome as Arlene.
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