- Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften
) is a longstanding peer-reviewed German
scientific journal that publishes preferably original papers in German and English dealing with the whole area ofgeology . There is free online access to abstracts (in PDF Format) of all papers that were published from 2001 to the present. Full-text contributions may be ordered through the publisher, Verlag für Geowissenschaften Berlin. The journal is indexed in: GeoRef,Chemical Abstracts , and Geoline. The bilingual website for the journal was launched in July 2008.Publishing history
The journal was established in 1973 as a monthly scientific research periodical for the geological sciences, published in the former socialist republic of
East Germany (DDR). It served as the official research journal of theGesellschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften (GGW), the East German state's geological sciences society andresearch institute , and was published by the scientific and academic publishing houseAkademie Verlag .Journal contents and structure
The journal publishes articles in the following categories:
* "Articles", longer scientific reports of national or international interest
* "Short Communications" used for rapid publication of preliminary scientific results, finding information, or descriptions of outcrops
* "Discussions" on papers previously published in the journalReferences
: cite web |author=Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften |year=2005 |title=104. Achtung - Wichtiger Hinweis für ZGW-Bezeiher |url=http://www.dgg.de/cms/front_content.php?idart=207 |work=Neuigkeiten |publisher=DGG |accessdate=2008-10-10 de icon
: cite book|author=Ehmke, Gerhard |year=1996 |chapter=Geologische Zeitschriften in Ostdeutschland (1945 bis heute) = Geological Journals in Eastern Germany (1945 to the present) |chapterurl=http://www.geologie.ac.at/filestore/download/BR0035_099_A.pdf |format=
PDF online facsimile |title=Das kulturelle Erbe geowissenschaftlicher und montanwissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken: internationales Symposium, 1993, Freiberg, Sachsen, Deutschland = Cultural heritage collected in libraries of geoscience, mining, and metallurgy: international symposium, 1993, Freiberg, Saxony, Germany |editor=Tillfried Cernajsek, Lieselotte Jontes, and Peter Schmidt (eds.) |series=Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, nowrap|Bd. 35 (ISSN|1017-8880) |location=Vienna |publisher=Geologische Bundesanstalt |pages=p.99|oclc=36081427 de icon: cite book |author=Hartmann, Olaf |coauthors=Martin Guntau, and Werner Pälchen |year=2007 |chapter=Editorial |chapterurl=http://www.wz4s2vtv1.homepage.t-online.de/Schrr16.pdf |format=
PDF online reproduction |editor= Olaf Hartmann, Martin Guntau, and Werner Pälchen (eds.) |title=Zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften in der DDR |series=Schriftenreihe für Geowissenschaften, nowrap|No. 16 (ISSN|9423-3443) |location=Ostklüne, Usedom, Germany |publisher=Verlag Störr |pages=pp.7–10|isbn=978-3-937040-15-8 |oclc=240235366 de icon
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.