Apprenticeship learning

Apprenticeship learning

Apprenticeship learning, or apprenticeship via inverse reinforcement learning (AIRP), is a concept in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, developed by Pieter Abbeel, Assistant Professor in Berkeley's EECS department, and Andrew Ng, Assistant Professor in the Stanford University's Computer Science Department. AIRP deals with "Markov decision process where we are not explicitly given a reward function, but where instead we can observe an expert demonstrating the task that we want to learn to perform" [ [ Pieter Abbeel, Andrew Ng, “Apprenticeship learning via inverse reinforcement learning.” In 21st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 2005.] ]

AIRP concept is closely related to reinforcement learning that is a sub-area of Machine learning] concerned with how an "agent" ought to take "actions" in an "environment" so as to maximize some notion of long-term "reward". AIRP algorithms are used when reward function is unknown. The algorithms use observing the behavior of an expert for teaching "agent" the best "actions" in certain states of "environment".


External links

[ Videos of robots performing "actions" learned through apprenticeship learning algorithms]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Apprenticeship — is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a skill. Apprentices (or in early modern usage prentices ) or protégés build their careers from apprenticeships. Most of their training is done on the job while working for an employer… …   Wikipedia

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  • Learning and Skills Act 2000 — The Learning and Skills Act 2000 made changes in the funding and administration of further education, and of work based learning (or apprenticeships) for young people, within the England and Wales. The main changes were: * establishment of the… …   Wikipedia

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  • apprenticeship — An apprentice is a person who agrees to work for an employer for a specified time for the purpose of learning the craft, trade or profession in which the employer agrees to instruct him. In a more popular sense the term is used to convey the idea …   Black's law dictionary

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