

Nareepol (Naree-woman and pol-tree is like a [sanskrit] word) is an amazing tree at a place called
Petchaboon in Thailand. There are amazing trees named Nareepol in the Thailand forest almost 500 km
away from Bangkok. An amazing tree that grows fruit in the shape of women.

According to research I had done on the internet about this tree I had found nothing one internet. Its look like it is a fake image which is spreed rounds of the Internet via email, blogs and forums, the accompanying photographs depict an amazing tree in Thailand that grows fruit in human shape. The images which I had seen in this mails are look like woman but their is only one complete image while the other is the half. The most amazing thing that was found on these images are their are only two state of fruits one is complete while the other is form the lower that's from the legs only.

It is quite interesting that many people believe that this tree exits and they really believe on its fruit. But no one has a prove that they had seen this fruit in real or in any other form. in this fast world where print and electronic media is rushing for meager reports such big bang is out of their attention. Although we had not found any other images of this so called tree from any other source.

Moreover, the three photographs above appear to be the only images of the tree available. Given the self-publishing power provided by the Internet, if the tree was real, there would surely be myriad photographs of the tree available on many different blogs, travel websites and photo sharing websites.

its looks like that someone has cleverly plant these man made dolls in the plant in such a manner that he can take these images to gain the world attention. although famous software like Adobe photo shop are so powerful that these type of images can easily be created in any form.

Finally we believe that this all is a spam.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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