Martynivka Treasure

Martynivka Treasure

Martynivka Treasure, Russian: Мартыновский клад, Ukrainian: Мартинівський скарб is a hoard consisting of about 120 silver items of 400-900 probe found in Martynivka (Russian: Martynovka) village (now Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine) in 1909. The treasure is kept in the Historical Treasures Museum at Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Dated approximately VIVII centuries BC.

Historians proposed several hypotheses of which culture this treasure could have belonged. The most popular hypothesis connects this hoard with Penkovo culture of Antes.

The hoard includes, in particular, four anthropomorphic silver figurines of 'dancing men' (Ukrainian newspapers sometimes refer to them as 'aliens' for their unusual appearance[1]), five animal figurines, three fingel fibulas, six armlets, forehead wreaths, earlets, temple rings, neck decoration, etc.

The style of figurines is sometimes considered as influenced by Huns or Avars.



  • Рыбаков Б. А. Древние русы // Советская археология. Т. XVII. 1953. С. 76-89.
  • Ламонова О., Романовська Т., Русяєва М., Рябова В. та ін.100 найвідоміших шедеврів України — Київ: Автограф, 2004. — С. 157—160.

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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