Raimon Panikkar

Raimon Panikkar

Raimon Panikkar (born Raimundo Pániker Alemany on November 3, 1918 in Barcelona, Spain) is one of the most prestigious proponents of inter-religious dialogue. He continues to work as a Roman Catholic priest, even after his marriage [ [http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/staffhome/gehall/Hall_Panikkar.htm Panikkar] ] and a scholar specialized in comparative philosophy of religion


Raimon Panikkar was born as the son of a Catholic Catalan and a Hindu Indian. His mother was a well-educated daughter of the Catalan bourgeoisie; his father derived from a high caste Malabar Nair family from South India. Panikkar's father was a freedom fighter during British colonial rule in India and escaped from Britain and married into a Catalan family. Panikkar's father studied in England and was the representant of a German chemical company in Barcelona. Educated by a Jesuit school, Panikkar studied chemistry and philosophy at the universities of Barcelona, Bonn and Madrid, and Catholic Theology in Madrid and Rome. He holds doctorates in philosophy (1945), science (1958, both at Complutense University of Madrid) and theology (1961, Pontifical Lateran University in Rome), and was professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (1946-53). He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1946. In 1953, he left Europe for India where he undertook studies in Indian philosophy and religion at the University of Mysore and Banaras Hindu University and engaged in the Hindu-Christian dialogue, with a short time as professor in Rome (1962-63). From 1967-71, he held a professorship at Harvard University, and from 1971-78 he was professor of religious studies at University of California, Santa Barbara. Currently he lives in Tavertet, in the mountains of Catalonia, outside Barcelona. Panikkar has written some 40 books and more than 900 articles.


By Panikkar

*"The "crisis" of Madhyamika and Indian philosophy today" University of Hawaii Press (1966)
*"Cometas: Fragmentos de un diario espiritual de la postguerra". Euramerica, S.A.; First edition (1972)
*"Worship and secular man: An essay on the liturgical nature of man, considering secularization as a major phenomenon of our time and worship as an apparent fact of all times; A study towards an integral anthropology" Orbis Books, 1973
*"The Trinity and the religious experience of man: Icon-person-mystery" Orbis Books, 1973 ISBN 088344495X
* "The Vedic Experience: Mantramañjari: An Anthology Of The Vedas For Modern Man". Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977.
*"Colligite fragmenta: For an integration of reality". Villanova University Press, 1978
*"Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics: Cross Cultural Studies" Paulist Press, 1979. ISBN 0809102323
* "Aporias in the comparative philosophy of religion", "Man and World", vol 13, 1980, pp. 357-83.
* "The Unknown Christ Of Hinduism: Towards An Ecumenical Christophany". Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1981. ISBN 0883445239
*"Blessed Simplicity: The Monk as a Universal Archetype" San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.: HarperSanFrancisco, 1984. ISBN 081640531X
*"The Silence of God: The Answer of the Buddha". Orbis Books; revised edition (June 1989) ISBN 0883444461
*"The Cosmotheandric Experience: Emerging Religious Consciousness". Orbis Books, June 1993. ISBN 0883448629
*"A Dwelling Place for Wisdom". Westminster John Knox Press, November 1993 ISBN 0664253628
*"Invisible Harmony: Essays on Contemplation and Responsibility" ed. by Harry James Cargas, Augsburg Fortress Publishers, June 1995 ISBN 0800626095
*"Pluralism and oppression: theology in world perspective" (co-authored with Paul F. Knitter) College Theology Society. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1991.
*"Cultural Disarmament: The Way to Peace". Westminster John Knox Press; September 1, 1995 ISBN 0664255493
*"The Intrareligious Dialogue". Paulist Press; revised edition, July 1999. ISBN 0809137631
*"Christophany: The Fullness Of Man". Orbis Books, November 30, 2004. ISBN 1570755647
*Foreword to "The Cave of the Heart: The Life of Swami Abhishiktananda" by Shirley Du Boulay, Orbis, 2005. ISBN 1570756104
*"Espiritualidad Hindu: Sanatana Dharma" Kairos, 2006 ISBN 8472455777
*"The Experience of God: Icons of the Mystery" (trans. by Joseph Cunneen). Fortress Press, 2006. ISBN 0800638255
*"Initiation to the Vedas". Motilal Banarsidass, July 15, 2006 ISBN 8120829549
*"Human Rights as A Western Concept" (co-authored with Arvind Sharma) D.K. Printworld, 2007, New Delhi. ISBN 8124604290
*"The Rhythm of Being" (forthcoming Gifford Lectures [ [http://www.crosscurrents.org/panikkar.htm Nine Ways Not to Talk about God, by Raimon Panikkar ] ] ) Orbis Books

About Panikkar

*"Theological approach and understanding of religions: Jean Danielou and Raimundo Panikkar: a study in contrast" by Dominic Veliath. Kristu Jyoti College (1988)
*"Christ: The Mystery in History: A Critical Study on the Christology of Raymond Panikkar" by Cheriyan Menacherry Peter Lang Pub Inc (June 1996) ISBN 3631483694
*"The Intercultural Challenge of Raimon Panikkar", ed. by Joseph Prabhu, Orbis Books, November 1996. ISBN 1570750564
*"A New Hermenteutic of Reality: Raimon Panikkar's Cosmotheandric Vision" by Anthony Savari Raj. Peter Lang Publishing (August 1998) ISBN 0820434450
*"An Emerging Cosmotheandric Religion?: Raimon Panikkar's Pluralistic Theology Of Religions" by Jyri Komulainen. Brill Academic Publishers (January 30, 2005) ISBN 9004138935


External links

* [http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/staffhome/gehall/Hall_Panikkar.htm Multi-Faith Dialogue in Conversation with Raimon Panikkar] by Gerard Hall
* [http://www.share-international.org/ARCHIVES/religion/rl_cfnew-innocence.htm The new innocence: Interview with Raimon Panikkar] by Carmen Font
* [http://them.polylog.org/1/fpr-en.htm Religion, Philosophy and Culture] by Raimon Panikkar
* [http://www.raimonpanikkar.org RaimonPanikkar.org Web in honor to Raimon Panikkar] es icon

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