- Turc Malec
Turc Malec (also "Turc Malet", "Truc Maletz") was a minor
troubadour andnobleman , probably fromQuercy . He wrote the "cobla esparsa " "En Raimon, be.us tenc a grat", the last in a series of three "sirventes ", and in response toRaimon de Durfort , who in turn was responding toRaimbaut d'Aurenga . All three of the "sirventes" were written in nine monorhyming stanzas, the first two of seven syllables and the last seven of eight.A "vida-
razo " was composed for Raimon and Turc, which goes like this:"Raimons de Dufort e·N Turc Malec si foron du cavallier de Caersi que feiren los sirventes de la domna que ac nom ma donna n'Aia, aquella que dis al cavalier de Cornil qu'ella no l'amaria si el no la cornava el cul. Et aqui son escritz los sirventes."
The "vida-razo", however, is mistaken. In the poem Aia does not ask to be "blown" in the "cul" (anus) but in the "corn". This may be a reference to the anal sphincter (which can make noise like a horn) or to the clitoris. Although the "vida" has been taken to contain a concealed reference to homosexual sex, in fact it is either referring to typical vaginal sex or, insultingly, to oral stimulation of the anus. [
Raimon de Durfort and Lord Turc Malec were two knights from Quercy who composed the sirventes about the lady called Milady Aia, the one who said to the knight of Cornil [possibly Bernart de Cornil, but actually a play on "cornar", "to sound a horn"] that she would not love him if he did not blow in her arse. And here are written the "sirventes". [Margarita Egan, ed. (1984), "The Vidas of the Troubadours" (New York: Garland).]Giorgio Agamben ; Daniel Heller-Roazen, trans. (1999). "The End of the Poem: Studies in Poetics" (Stanford University Press), 23–26.]Notes
* [http://w3.uniroma1.it/bedt/BEdT_03_20/index.aspx Bibliografia Elettronica dei Trovatori, v. 2.0]
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