Internet shakespeare editions

Internet shakespeare editions

The Internet Shakespeare Editions (ISE) is one of the most extensive sites available on Shakespeare. The site is a registered charity and functions solely on grants. This means that there is no subscription fee and no advertisements. All content is free and widely accessible to the general public.

Visit the Internet Shakespeare Editions for information on Shakespeare's life and times, his texts, and his plays in performance:


The ISE was founded by Dr. Michael Best, an English professor at the University of Victoria, and Roberta Livingstone in 1996. Best provided the content, while Livingstone developed the design and layout. The non-profit corporation was created by letters patent from the Federal Government of Canada in 1999.

Exploring the site

The site is organized in the form of a building.

The Foyer

Administrative information is located in the Foyer:

The Library

This is where you will find edited versions of Shakespeare's plays and poems, as well as reference materials and criticism. An extensive biography of Shakespeare's Life and Times is also available in the Library: The Life and Times section of the site was first written for floppies in 1991, and then a CD-ROM was published by Intellimation in 1995. It was converted to HTML and became part of the ISE site in 1997.

The Theater

The Shakespeare in Performance (SIP) database is located in the Theater: SIP contains stage and film production information (such as cast and crew lists) and materials (such as programs and posters) related to Shakespeare. There are productions from various countries and time periods, and new content is frequently added. Production companies can request to have their performances added to the database by contacting the ISE.

The Annex

The Annex contains Shakespeare's plays in their original spelling (in text and facsimile formats), articles, and discussions. The Annex also contains the Links database:


The ISE is affiliated with the University of Victoria [] and receives support from the Innovation Development Corporation (IDC) [] . The ISE is also funded by The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) [] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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