Władysław Mackiewicz

Władysław Mackiewicz

Cavalry Captain (rotmistrz) Wladyslaw MackiewiczWore the badge of the 15th Uhlan Regiment.

He was born on 21st December 1903.

He was 17 when the Polish - Russian war broke out (it seems that he did not take part).

On 15 August 1927 up to June – August 1928 he graduated 5th class of Cavalery Officer Cadet School in Grudziadz.

In 1930 he was a cavalery sub-lieutenant with a rank adulthood starting with 15 August 1927. In that time he severed in 7th Uhlan Regiment in Minsk Mazowiecki.

Wladyslaw Mackiewicz was a sub-lieutenant in the 7th Regiment

According to pictures (a round, english-style cap) he served also in a prestigous 1st Lancers Regiment in Warsaw somewhere in the 30'ties.

On the 1st of March 1939, Wladyslaw Mackiewicz as a lieutenant was an administration officer in 15th Uhlan Regiment in Poznan.

On 19th of March he was promoted to cavalery captain. Starting with 3rd of April 1939 he became a commander of the 2nd Cavalery Squadron in the Regiment but he didn't take over his duties until the 12th of May 1939. Seven days leter, that is on 19th of May he arrived back to Central Cavalery School in Grudziadz to take part in the XXI Cavalery Squadron Commanders course.

Also in 1939 he received a of the 15th Uhlan Regiment which was considered as becoming a part of the unit.

On the day of German attack he was a commander of the 2nd Squadron in the 15th Uhlan Regiment, which was a part of Wielkopolska Cavalery Brigade. The Regiment including Wladyslaw Mackiewicz Squadron, started a big counter offensive, which is known as a Bzura Battle (9th-18th September) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bzura). This is considered to be the 15th Uhlan Regiment during the battle

For his courageus achivements he was granted, by col. Strzelecki (who was a substitute commander for a wounded gen. Abraham), at the last gathering of th unit in Warsaw (27th September) he recived a highest Polish Army medal – Virtuti Militari. He became a Prisoner of War and was taken to Murnau prison of war camp for Officers.

Commander of the 15th Regiment makes his last goodbyes to his soliders on 27th September 1939 after the ceremony during which Wladyslaw Mackiewicz recived a medal.

Wladyslaw Mackiewicz recived the Virtuti Militari Medal.

Wladyslaw Mackiewicz reached the re-established 15th Uhlans Regiment in Italy in the II Polish Corps, and was probably a staff officer. Then the regiment was transported to Egypt and after that again to Italy. In June 1946 the unit was redeployed to Browning Camp (Horsham near London). In 1947 the unit was disbaned.

Some of the soliders went back home. All of them were arrested and kept (tortured) in prisons until 1956. Western Allies never allowed Poles to take part in a Victory Parade in London as the only nation that didn't take part.

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